February 12, 2025

A healthy child makes a happy home! #ImmuneIndia

Image courtesy: https://www.indiblogger.in/happyhours/dabur-healthy-child-happy-home/#submission_requirements

Children light up our lives and our homes. Their innocence is cute and their happiness at even the smallest of things is infectious. But when they fall ill, everything starts looking dull. It looks like everything has fallen dull along with our precious children.

We would do everything to keep our children free from any illness and always smiling. I still remember how my parents used to get frantic if me and my brother even just sneezed. They would do any and everything from bringing to us hot soups to rushing us to the doctor for medication. While my parents believed in modern medicine, they also had extreme belief in building our immune system.

My mother gave us Dabur Chyawanprash everyday without fail and told us that she also ate it when she was a kid. Dabur Chyawanprash is an age-old, time tested formulation that she comprised of over 40 natural ingredients that boost our immunity, thus, saving us from falling ill frequently. Having health boosting ingredients like Amla which is one of the best anti-oxidants and Giloy, Dabur Chyawanprash strengthens our internal defense mechanism i.e our immune system and prepares our body to fight the day-to-day infections such as cough and cold etc.

We studiously ate Dabur Chyawanprash everyday and have followed this habit till date and I am so happy to say that we were healthy and happy kids then and healthy and happy adults now.

Easily eatable in all weathers, Dabur Chyawanprash is now available in many flavours like mixed fruit, mango etc., thus, giving everyone more varieties to savour this great product. Nothing like the bitter medicines, it tastes great, has many health benefits and is surely preferable to the nasty medicines I had to take when I got ill. I and my brother felt proud to eat Dabur Chyawanprash because it was trusted my our grandmother when she gave it to our mother and then trusted my our mother who gave it to us. It seemed like a tradition being handed down generation after generation. Now I know that when I’ll have kids, I surely will give my children this formulation that has braved so many years and earned the trust of so many.

It was because of Dabur Chyawanprash and my mother’s intuitiveness that we had a happy childhood. It has garnered my faith in this tried and tested formulation and I am sure that when I have kids, I will be sure to give them Dabur Cyawanprash each day just like our mother gave us.

When we are healthy, we are happy and able to enjoy our lives better. No wonder, Dabur Chyawanprash is used so widely in the country and trusted by millions. It has brought health and happiness to many homes and I am sure will continue bringing the gift of health to many more homes in the future.

Have you tried Dabur Chyawanprash? Go try it and I am sure you will see the difference in your health.

Read more about this great product here: https://www.liveveda.com/daburchyawanprash/

This post is written as part of Indi-Happy Hours as part of #ImmuneIndia campaign on Indiblogger in association with Dabur Chyawanprash.

This post is written as an entry for Indi-Happy Hours Campaign,” A Healthy Child Makes A Happy Home”, in association with  Dabur Chyawanprash and Indiblogger.
– See more at: http://www.njkinnysblog.com/2014/11/immuneindia-healthy-child-makes-happy.html#sthash.M46N92lW.dpuf

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