October 5, 2024

ARC Book Review–>His Pregnant Texas Sweetheart (Peach Leaf, Texas #1) by Amy Woods

 His Pregnant Texas Sweetheart by Amy Woods (Amazon IN Buy Link)

Title and Author: His Pregnant Texas Sweetheart by Amy Woods
No. of Pages: 220
Series: Peach Leaf, Texas Book 1
Publication Date: Mills & Boon Cherish (1 May 2015)
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Western Romance, Inspirational
Language: English

Book Review:

His Pregnant Texas Sweetheart by Amy Woods is the first book by this author that I have read and I loved her writing style. She brought alive the town of Peach Leaf in my mind with its laid back lifestyle, the considerate people who have lived here for generations and know each other, the joyful hayrides, the yearly pumpkin festivals and the whole peaceful and lovely aura of the place which made me want to visit here sometime! 🙂

I saw two covers for this book and they both give a feel good feeling. The blurb didn’t go along with the story, in my opinion. When I read the blurb, I thought that the heroine would be pursuing the hero but instead the story is entirely different and I mean it in a good sense.

The title could have been better. The story is so entertaining and has great emotional play but the title doesn’t do justice to it. There are so many people I know who will never even look twice before moving over this book, just because of the title and in turn, will miss a lovely story.

The characterization is beautifully done and I loved both Ryan and Katie. Both loved each other since childhood but never were able to confess and due to circumstances, when one did, they had to move away. Now years later, they are back. But will their story have a happy ending?

Both Ryan and Katie’s characters have depth and showcase so many emotions and experiences that have happened to so many of us. Their strength of character and stubbornness to see the best in life inspires as well as left me smiling, quite impressed and thoroughly entertained by their sometimes clumsy and sometimes too-well-planned moves to show their love for each other!

The supporting characters are also likable people and although flawed had me sympathizing, liking them as well curious to read their story too. 

Apart from the main story line, there are sub plots also here which added more appeal to the story and left me feeling a myriad of emotions.

All in all, I loved reading His Pregnant Texas Sweetheart by Amy Woods with its soulful romance, an engaging story, the funny as well as touching episodes showcasing multiple facets of life and the overall entertainment quality of the story. 4 out of 5 to it and recommended to all romance lovers. I liked this book and will be checking out the other books in this series as well as the other books by the author in the future.

I received an ARC from the author and the publicist, CBB Promotions and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

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Amazon US: Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle EBook


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