October 5, 2024

Author Interview–> Reet Singh ~Author in the Spotlight

Hey Friends,

Today I am so excited to bring to you the interview I had with Author Reet Singh, the woman behind the new Harlequin romance, Scorched by his Fire.

I was very fortunate to meet her in person and get to know more about her. I was overjoyed to get her autograph on her book! 🙂

 Autograph by Author Reet Singh
A very private person, Reet has a romantic soul, partly genetic but certainly attributable to the romantic fiction she devours by the kilo. When she’s not watching romcoms, or doing creative things with wool and a crochet hook, or playing Scrabble, she can be found in the kitchen putting together her ‘world-famous’ one-pot meals.

Married for three decades, her prototypical tall, handsome, and sensitive hero-husband still makes her heart skip a beat. Writing about love and happy endings feeds her romantic soul; hearing from her readers thrills her.

Having a mother that read to her, she paid it forward, telling bedtime stories to her sons and nieces until they grew too old too fast. As a reaction to them growing up before she knew what was happening, she began writing for older children, and has published children’s books on Amazon, for Kindle.

Welcome to Njkinny’s World of Books & Stuff, Reet!
Thanks for taking time out to talk to me.

“Dear Nikita,
Thank you so
much for hosting me.”

Oh, you are most welcome, Reet! 🙂
Let’s start the interview.
Q1. In one
sentence, what is your book, 
Scorched by HisFire about?
‘Scorched by HisFire’ is about misunderstandings and distrust, that – when some undeniable
chemistry intervenes – turns rapidly into love between Mita and Tanay.

Q2. What
inspired you to write this book?
A trip to
Mauritius, Harlequin® India’s Passions Contest, a love of romance, and an
overwhelming desire to become a published author!

Q3. How did you
get your first break as an author?
Winning the
Passions Contest in 2013 gave me the chance to be published by Harlequin®
India; it changed my life.

Q4. What has
been the biggest surprise or learning experience you’ve seen through the
process of seeing your book(s)
 get published
It surprised me
to discover that writing to deadlines is enormously hard work. Like any other
occupation, writing demands imagination, passion, concentration, will power,
and time. There is often a ton of research to be done, hours of reading, editing,
and rewriting – in other words, quite like other jobs. A big exception is that
being creative is probably much more liberating than other jobs!

Q5. How did you
approach writing the intimate scenes in your romance novel?
It was
impossible to shy away from a degree of intimacy when writing romance, so I
didn’t balk at it. The big question for me was what degree was appropriate to
my taste and would be acceptable to my potential readers. Since I am not
comfortable with explicit scenes in the books I read, I stuck to something
between warm and middling hot. Why don’t we leave it to the readers to decide
how much heat there is in 
‘Scorched by HisFire’? Anyone game to share?

Q6. What kind of
research did you do for your book?
I read up stuff
about Mauritius – even though I’d visited the island, I didn’t want to get my
facts wrong. Beyond that, for many of the other scenes, I researched distances,
modes of travel, seasons, people, outfits – lots of stuff, really! Did I tell
you I’m a google-phile?

Q7. How do you
approach your writing like plot setting, character sketches etc.?
‘Scorched by HisFire’ is
purely character driven. Since then, however, I have read up a lot about
plotting and have tried a bit of plotting and a bit of character sketching in
my next book for Harlequin® India. I’m excited and can’t wait to see how my
readers receive book two.

Q8. Do you have
a personal favorite romance author whom you look up to? Why?
I love Lucy
Walker. Her characters are rich and complex, the locations fabulous, and the
plots well developed. The romance is subtle and beautiful.

Q9. What are you
doing to reach out to readers and book enthusiasts?
I’m tweeting
about my book; and using 
Facebook to connect and post excerpts. I find that
Goodreads is a great forum to connects readers and writers, so I’m on that too.
And then, there are some awesome bloggers (Mine host included) who talk to
authors and promote them most generously!

Q10. What is the
one thing that you hope readers take away after reading your book?
– life is hard, and writing a Happily-Ever-After that makes readers feel
hopeful is a good thing to aim for.

Q11. If someone
were to tell you one thing before you started writing, what do you wish it had
Jami Gold’s beat sheets! If I had only known about them, I might have
had a better time plotting. I am determined to learn to use them before, or
while, I write book three. Jami Gold has developed these sheets that allow
authors to lay out scenes, make character sketches, add pages of research, plan
chapters and page counts, and much more.

Q12. What is
your overall impression of the writing industry? Any advice you would like to
give to the aspiring authors?
Its a tough
world out there, but with talent, and a lot of perseverance, and some degree of
luck, authors can achieve their dream. Hone your skills – read a lot, then
write a lot, then rewrite, and through it all, never throw the quill down in
despair. Persevere!

Q13. Where can
people find you on the Internet?
 twitter: @AuthorReet
Q14. What’s next
up for you, writing-wise?
I have just sent
my fabulous editor at Harlequin® India, Amrita, the first draft of book two.
Tentatively, its called “One Memorable Night in His Bed”. I’m looking forward
to seeing it in print sometime later this year.
“Thank you so
much, Nikita, I had a lovely time talking to you! “

I had a lovely time too, Reet and thanks once again for talking to me. All the very best for the future and I hope to read more from you. 🙂

Book by Reet Singh:

Buy ‘Scorched by HisFire’ online:

Amazon.com: Kindle Ebook
Amazon.in: Paperback | Kindle Ebook
Flipkart.com: Paperback | EBook
Mills and Boon UK: Kindle Ebook
Infibeam: Paperback
Crossword: Paperback

Read my Review: Click Here

Buy The Zaken Takeover online:
Amazon.in: Kindle Ebook
Amazon.com: Kindle Ebook


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