February 12, 2025

#AuthorInterview–> Author in the Spotlight- Carl Proujan

Hi Friends,

I have always wondered how the authors first got the idea of writing? Was writing always a passion for them? Or did they get the calling after doing many different things in life?
Today’s Author in the Spotlight is a person who has many achievements to his name. Author of The Madness Analog, Carl Proujan has been writing, in one form or another, for most of his life. And yet, he still found time to letter in three sports, serve in the U.S. Army, work as a merchant seaman, set foot upon the South Pole, dip a toe into the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and the Dead Sea, raise three children into adulthood, and write Secrets of the Sea, a non fiction book about undersea exploration, which has been translated into a number of languages — all before completing an eBook novel.With a degree in Chemistry and
Biology from the City College of New York, Proujan has visited all of the world’s continents save Australia.
The Madness Analog is his first novel.

So let’s welcome Carl to Njkinny’s World of Books and take a sneak peak into his mind. 🙂

Welcome to Njkinny’s World of Books, Carl!
Lets start the interview. 🙂

Q1. Tell us something about yourself

I was born in New York City on the very day that headlines blared news of the 1929
St. Valentine’s Massacre in Chicago, although I hesitate to claim that the event contributed in any way to my current novel, The Madness Analog, which I wrote many decades later.

Between my birth and the present, I started writing as a child in the very progressive, yet sadly now defunct, Walden School in New York City. I later spent two-and-a-half years writing poetry as part of my studies at Reed College in Portland Oregon, then, went to sea as a merchant sailor, serving two years in the U.S. Army.

Upon graduating from the City College of New York (CCNY), with a double major in chemistry and biology, I worked as an analytical chemist. I eventually secured employment within the educational publishing field, most notably at Scholastic, Inc., where I wrote and edited countless science articles for the grade school market.

Q2. In one sentence, what is your book “The Madness Analog” about? 

The Madness Analog weaves a spine-tingling tale revolving around an international conspiracy of terror, a trail of murder, a sultry woman of mystery, and the one man who stands in the way of a weapon of mass destruction being unleashed upon the western world: Agent Matt David, a counter-terrorism Mossad agent working with the FBI in New York City.

Q3. What inspired you to write this book? 

A number of years ago, I read an intriguing article in Science News that triggered the idea for “The Madness Analog.” As the book developed, all of the elements– science, deception, international intrigue and suspense – culminated in an ending that surprised even me. Yes, novels sometimes do write themselves.

Q4. Do you have a specific writing style? 

My training and expertise in writing for the young adult market has molded my style into direct, economical, and dramatic prose. I grab the reader from the onset, and hang on tenaciously.

Q5. How did you come up with the title? 

To be honest, The Madness Analog was not my first choice. But, I decided on a title that I hoped would stimulate the curiosity of potential readers enough to get them to buy the book. You’ll have to read through several chapters to find out how this title eventually came to be. However, if you’re especially perceptive, you might figure it out before then.

Q6. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 

Yes. But revealing the “message” now would give away a key element of the story. I wouldn’t want to spoil the fun.

Q7. How much of the book is realistic? 

Oh, lots of it. First of all, the settings are real. I’ve actually visited almost all of the places described in the book. Many of the characters are based on real people. And, although the weapon created in the story is a fictitious one, the fundamental science is very real, as is the danger posed by such a weapon.

Q8. Are experiences in the book based on someone you know, or events in your own life? 

Yes. And, yes. As a former mentor once advised, “Write what you know.” I’ve followed that credo as much as possible in the penning of The Madness Analog.

Q9. If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? 

No! There comes a time when a novelist has to let go of his offspring, even if it’s not perfect. No amount of revisions will make it perfect; just a manuscript in storage.

Q10. What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing it to life? 

The book had to be authentic and believable, especially the science. I tracked down primary scientific sources to make sure the scientific underpinnings were infallible. Regarding the logistics,

I drew upon my personal experiences – growing up in New York City, and having traveled through Paris, Madrid, the Pyrenees Mountains, Washington, D.C., and Israel. This helped tremendously in developing the realistic settings for the novel.

Q11. Do you see writing as a career? 

Well, it has been my career…for decades. And, I don’t anticipate a career change anytime in the foreseeable future.

Q12. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? 

Whether it has been in writing fiction or no-fiction, the challenge is always to intrigue and engage the reader. But, with special note to fictional pursuits, I would have to say that literary agents and publishers are a very difficult bunch to intrigue.

Q13. What was the hardest part of writing your book? 

{laughter} Getting started, and then finishing it.
Everything in between flowed rather smoothly. Of course, there were a great many changes throughout the process – the careful creation of a prologue, rearranging pivotal scenes for greater impact, and crafting compelling dialogue. But it was all designed to capture the reader’s attention and prompt a desire to read further. I hope I accomplished that.

Q14. Do you have any advice for other writers? 

· Yes. Enjoy The Process.

· Make it an adventure of exploration. Have fun.

· Contact all the literary agents you can identify as representing your genre.

· Don’t give up when they all turn you down.

When you complete a piece of written work, you’ve essentially re-produced a piece of yourself in an original form. That’s a worthy and weighty outcome. As a writer, you should be proud of that.

And, thanks to the digital revolution, writers can now self-publish their own e-books, so, I will say: Promote the hell out of your work. Perhaps an agent, publisher, or motion picture studio will realize what it has missed and offer you a deal.

Hello, is anyone listening? {laughter}

Q15. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 

If you enjoy a good mystery, with unexpected twists and a solid scientific foundation, spiced with a potentially deadly romance, and characters with whom you can either empathize or despise, you’ll find The Madness Analog impossible to put down.

Q16. What are your current projects? 

A sequel to “The Madness Analog” is in the works. I’m also continuing to write science materials for young readers, which entails contributing to the projects of major educational publishers in the United States.

Q19. Where can people find you on the Internet? 

Just conduct a Google search for ‘Carl Proujan’.

But if you want a more direct route, you can find me on the following sites:

@AuthorProujan (Twitter)
http://www.amazon.com/Carl-Proujan/e/B001KHAGGU (Amazon.com)
https://www.facebook.com/TheMadnessAnalog (Facebook)
http://www.pinterest.com/AuthorProujan/the-madness-analog_ebook/ (Pinterest)
https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/992942.Carl_Proujan (GoodReads)
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/carl-proujan/38/620/ab2 (LinkedIn)
http://www.shelfari.com/authorproujan (Shelfari)

Q20. What’s next up for you, writing-wise? 

Matt David, the protagonist of “The Madness Analog” is not yet finished tracking down terrorists, nor are the terrorists finished with Agent David. The deadly duel of predator vs prey continues in the next installment of the Matt David Thriller series. Tell all your readers to watch for it!

Q21. Before you go how about an excerpt from your book to intrigue and tantalize us. 

Here you go:

“Blood all over the place!” the store clerk screams into his cell phone.

The trickle of violent incident reports in Cusack’s domain swiftly transforms into a torrent. Sirens, screams, and shouts fill the evening air. The precinct’s phones deliver a constant cacophony of citizen cries for help. Sgt. Cusack tries to make sense of it all, but can find no explanation for what is happening in the streets outside his precinct house.

It is as if the whole of Washington Heights is going completely, and inexplicably, mad.

Thanks for talking to Njkinny’s World of Books, Carl!
All the very best for your future endeavors and we hope to read more from you. 🙂

Buy The Madness Analog:

2 thoughts on “#AuthorInterview–> Author in the Spotlight- Carl Proujan

  1. Fascinating ..
    a merchant seaman, an educational science writer and now
    an ebook author. Wow. I want to be this man when I grow up.
    I'm buying The Madness Analog NOW.
    It's only $3.99 at Amazon.com too!
    — Stu Henning

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