October 5, 2024

Blog Tour and Book Review–> Beginning With Forever by Lan LLP

Title and Author: Beginning with Forever by Lan LLP
Print Length: 484 Pages
Publication Date: March 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance

Book Review:
“The appearance of love is altered after you lose the person who helped you see it.”…”Until that one day when you find another who can help you see it again.”
Carson Bradley, Billionaire extraordinaire and handsome as sin, has sworn off love and commitment. He had once loved a girl with all his heart but after losing her he knows that he lost his heart too with her. But after all these years of self imposed ban on loving someone, Carson is deeply affected by the doctor who treats him. Her name is Lillian Ly.

“Can she possibly pour life back into my heart which has been empty for years?”

Lillian Ly has no place for love in her five year plan to reaching her goal but Carson storms into her life and then into her heart.

Can these two people who are worlds apart ever find their forever?

Beginning with Forever is Lan LLP’s debut novel and after reading her book, I can say that she has arrived in the book world in style. 🙂

I loved her fresh style of narrating a story and was engrossed in the book right from the start. While I usually shy away from books that are over 300 pages, I picked up Beginning with Forever after I read the blurb which got me very interested and intrigued in the book. The cover of the book is okay and while now after reading the book I can understand the significance of the lotus on the cover, a new reader will not be able to relate much to it.

Although the plot looks cliched, Lan soon proves that the story is uniquely her own. I loved her writing style. She changes POVs but the change is fluid and very expertly handled. The story line is well planned and executed with well calculated twists and turns.
The characterization is very real and I could relate to Lillian and to Carson too despite his being filthy rich and his lifestyle being so different from my own. I loved the chemistry between these two which is intense and gave me goosebumps reading about their feelings for each other, their fears and doubts and the uncertainty that assaulted them regarding their relationship. They complement each other so well and prove that when hearts are connected, nothing else matters. The other characters like Richard, Amelia, Owen, Carson’s family and his ex, Bianca are very admirably portrayed and given their deserved quota of the spotlight. Lan made me hate Bianca with all my heart and also made me fearful and left me praying fervently for Lillian and Carson.

The only point regarding the characters that I felt needed more addressing is the angle with Lillian’s mother. She is not brought to the forefront as much as the story warranted so somewhere I felt that this made the story a bit unreal but maybe this will be rectified in the next book. You will know what I am talking about when you read the book.

This book ends in a cliffhanger and while I usually stay away from books with cliffhangers because I have no patience with waiting for the next part, I was so engrossed in this story that I just could not stop despite knowing half way from a friend that it had a cliffhanger and it is a good thing that I didn’t stop. Although the book has a cliffhanger, it does not leave you dissatisfied. While I am very eager to read the next book that is yet to release, I am also satisfied like I love to be after reading a good book. 🙂

All in all, this is a very unusual Billionaire romance that has intense chemistry between the protagonists, heartfelt emotions, some very unexpected twists and turns and story that touches our heart and makes us want to read it in one sitting leaving us wanting more!
4 out of 5 to Beginning with Forever and I recommend it all romance lovers above the age of eighteen years. I cant wait to read more about Carson and Lillian in the next book. Lan is a very promising new author and I look forward to reading her next books. 

I received the book from the author to read and review and I am very thankful to her. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

Buy From:
Amazon.com: Kindle Ebook | Paperback
Amazon.in: Kindle Ebook

Checkout the Book and enter the Giveaway to win $10 Amazon GC + copies of the book here: http://njkinny.blogspot.in/2014/08/blog-tour-book-spotlight-giveaway-and.html {Open WW}

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