February 12, 2025

Blog Tour Wrap up–> What If It’s Love? by Alix Nichols {Aug 9-17}

The Blog Tour for Alix Nichols’ book What If It’s Love? took place from 9-17th August and I am so happy to say that it was a huge success and great fun. There were Reviews, Interviews, Spotlights and two Giveaways! 🙂

If you missed checking out the tour then don’t worry checkout the below stops and enter the Giveaways which are still open till September 11th! 🙂

Day 1:

1) Spotlight on 3 Partners in Shopping; Nana, Mommy & Sissy too!

Checkout the post & enter giveaways here: http://3partnersinshopping.blogspot.in/2014/08/what-if-its-love-by-alex-nichols-blog.html

2) Spotlight on Coffee, Books & Art 

Checkout the post & enter giveaways here: http://sarityahalomi.blogspot.in/2014/08/blog-tour-what-if-its-love-by-alix.html?spref=pi

Day 2: 

1) Spotlight on Njkinny’s World of Books & Stuff

Checkout the post & enter giveaways here: http://njkinny.blogspot.in/2014/08/blog-tour-and-giveaway-What-If-Its-Love.html

2) Spotlight on Cindy’s Love of Books

Checkout the post & enter giveaways here: http://cindysloveofbooks.com/2014/08/book-spotlight-love/

Day 3:

1) Book Spotlight and Interview with Alix Nichols on Chantel Rhondeau’s blog

How would you describe your book in 20 words or less without using the blurb? It’s a story about recognizing love. 

State a random fact about yourself that would surprise your readers…”

Read the complete Interview & enter giveaways here: http://www.chantelrhondeau.com/2014/08/interview-giveaway-what-if-its-love-by.html

2) Book Spotlight on LeahSay’s Views

Checkout the post here: http://leahsaysviews.com/can-a-paris-bistol-heal-a-broken-heart-what-if-its-love-by-alix-nichols-book-tour/

Day 4:

1) Book Review on Booksane

“…The book really made me feel as if I was experiencing Paris with Lena and not just Paris, but also the other places the book took place like Moscow. The author made me feel as if I was actually these places, I could tell that she had done her research with everything. To me it feels as if La Bohéme is real…”

Read the complete review here: http://booksanegirl-christina.blogspot.dk/2014/08/blog-tour-what-if-its-love-by-alix.html

2) Book Spotlight on Vinay_Positive

Checkout the post & enter giveaways here: http://vinaypositive.blogspot.in/2014/08/blog-tour-spotlight-and-giveaway-what.html

Day 5:

1) Book Spotlight and Interview with Alix Nichols on Zeenat Mahal’s blog

We both have the love of romance and Mr. Darcy in common. So my first question is: why do you think women today are still reading and writing romance? Many women today are pseudo-feminists if not wholly so, and yet we have this desire to read stories of happily ever after. Do share your thoughts.

Hello Zeenat, Thank you for the hosting this stop on your blog! Now, to your first question. It’s true that a lot of women today want it all: equal rights, a fulfilling career, a loving relationship and a family life. There’s nothing wrong with that…”

Read the complete Interview & enter giveaways here: http://www.zeenatmahal.com/2014/08/alix-nichols-a-rafflecopter-giveaway/

2) Book Spotlight, Interview and Book Review on The London Cat

Thanks for sitting with us today, Alix. I hope we haven’t disrupted your writing schedule too much. 

Not at all – I just sent my third book off to my editor, so I’m taking a few days off writing.  
Thanks for having me! 

Could we start by talking about your latest release? What inspired you to write this story?

A number of things. The setting for “What If It’s Love?” – a cozy Paris bistro called La Bohème – took shape first, before all other elements of the novel. You see, I have a passion for cafés…”

Read the complete Interview, checkout The London Cat’s Review and also enter the giveaways here: http://londoncatreviewsanddesign.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/blog-tour-what-if-its-love-by-alix.html

3) Book Review on Njkinny’s World of Books & Stuff

“…I was caught and then sucked in the story where it felt like everything was happening before my own eyes. Even though I have never been to Paris but still I could visualize myself sitting at the corner table at the bistro drinking coffee and watching the hustle-bustle of customers around. I could see myself before the Eiffel Tower getting a picture clicked and then just as effortlessly I was in Russia and could feel the bitter cold so in contrast with the pleasant weather in Paris and see a beauty so different from the cozy chaos of Paris…”

Day 6:

1) Interview with Alix Nichols on Njkinny’s World of Books & Stuff

Q1. Tell us about your new release?

Book 2 in the Bistro La Bohème series comes out in October, picking up where “What If It’s Love?” left off. It’s the story of the rocky relationship between two of the characters the reader has already met in Book 1 (Jeanne and Mat).

Q2. When did you begin writing?
I began at six, stopped at 23 and then started again a year ago. After 17 years of denial, I finally admitted that I couldn’t NOT write…”

Read the complete Interview and enter the giveaways here: http://njkinny.blogspot.in/2014/08/author-interview-and-giveaways-alix.html

2) Book Spotlight on Babbling Chatter Reads

3) Book Spotlight on Metro Reader

4) Book Review on Metro Reader

“..This is a beautiful story, quick paced and the flow is good. I liked the author’s idea of starting each chapter with a poem by Marina Tsvetaeva is unique…”

Read the complete Review here: http://metroreader.wordpress.com/2014/08/14/2014/

Day 7:

1) Book Spotlight on Babbling About Books and More

2) Book Spotlight on Mrs B’s Books

Day 8:

1) Book Spotlight on Lynn Thompson Books

2) Book Spotlight on Deal Sharing Aunt

3) Book Spotlight and Review on The Book Club

“…The author has beautifully grown the characters of her protags over a period of time. The whole novel is very quiet. Like Lena herself. No sudden moves and curve, but like a still water flowing and taking the reader through the streets of Paris. A road you would want to travel to learn about the love story of Rob and Lena…”

Read the complete review and enter the giveaways here: http://rubinaramesh.blogspot.in/2014/08/what-if-its-love-by-alix-nichols.html

Day 9:

1) Book Spotlight on Reader’s Muse

2) Book Review on Reader’s Muse

3) Book Spotlight on Vonnie’s Reading Corner

4) Book Review and Spotlight on Ushasri’s POV

“…I enjoyed the crisp writing style and it was an entertaining read. It kept me turning page after page…”
Read the complete review and enter the giveaways here: http://ushaveera68.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/blog-tour/

5) Book Spotlight and Review on Musings in Fiction Alley

“What If It’s Love is just my cup of tea. I find it a very emotional read and it also taught as a lesson about love and regrets…”
Read the complete review and enter the giveaways here: http://musingsinficitonalley.blogspot.in/2014/08/blog-tour-book-spotlight-review.html

~Buy What If It’s Love? From:~
Amazon.com: Paperback | Kindle Ebook
Amazon.in: Kindle Ebook

~Tour Organizer~
Njkinny Tours & Promotions

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