October 5, 2024

#BlogHop, #FBQ(3)–> #FREEBIE and #BARGAIN Books Quota

FREEBIE & BARGAIN books quota is a Monday and Thursday feature which will feature FREE and BARGAIN eBooks/Paperbacks that I read recently or want to read and which is/are available at a BARGAIN or FREE currently

Today I will share two books that I have grabbed recently and which look really promising to me. Whats a plus is that both are either FREE or available for a BARGAIN! 🙂

This box set includes the first two Everly Gray Adventures and a novella: 

a Touch of Ice: When Everly Gray touches photographer Mitchell Hunt and sees the image of a dead body, she dives into the murder ESP fingertips first. Caught in a web of intrigue, El discovers an aptitude for breaking and entering, and the terror of facing a cold-blooded killer. What she doesn’t learn—to keep her fingers to herself. 

a Touch of TNT: Having ESP in her fingertips gives new meaning to “get the picture,” and for Everly Gray it’s a one-way ticket to trouble. With fear nipping at her heels, out of control curiosity, and a reluctant request from the chief of police for help with a case, she stumbles across, not one, but two dead bodies. What she knows puts her in the path of a killer. What she doesn’t know—she’ll be the one pulling the trigger. 

To Touch a Thief: Forensic accountant Jayne Hunt will do whatever it takes to catch the thief stealing charitable contributions from Steele Management, Inc.—even if it means asking Everly Gray and her bothersome ESP fingers for help. 
Parker Steele has a solid, tactical strategy to disrupt Jayne’s spreadsheet fixation with his charms, and claim her for his own—until family secrets, a dirty cop, and a dangerous toxin blow his plan to bits and puts their lives in imminent danger. 

Available at just $0.99, I didn’t waste even a second in grabbing it! 🙂

The Other Side: Dare To Visit Alone?  by Vivek Banerjee, Faraaz Kazi

“A slow rasping sound made me turn. I jumped back, the cell phone leaving my hands and smashing against the concrete floor. Someone was seated on the chair, rocking back and forth. Through the fallen light, I could see those hands placed on the arms of the chair, two gruesome wrinkled limbs with ugly boils plastered over the black skin. The red bangles on its wrists shone in my eyes, momentarily blinding me. That thing and I call it a thing because I could sense it wasn’t human as no human could have such a hideous form, as vile an existence as the one seated opposite to my horrified self.”

From a honeymoon in the hill that goes horribly wrong to an obsessed lover who wants his first love in life and in death; From a mentally deranged man who collects body parts of various women to stitch together his dream girl to a skeptic who enters a mansion of horrors to win a bet and much more, this book is filled with scenarios that are guaranteed to give you goosebumps and sleepless nights.

‘The Other Side’ is a collection of thirteen tales of the paranormal; a world that our eyes refuse to see, our ears deny hearing and our senses ignore the feel of. This is a book for someone who is brave enough to take up this invitation to journey through uncharted waters along with the authors, who were inspired by some bizarre experiences to pen down this work where the lines of reality have been blurred by the footsteps of imagination.

Each story takes you on a tour de force of unadulterated horror and draws upon the deepest fear in the human mind- the fear of the UNKNOWN!

I got this book from the Authors and I am currently reading it. So far this is a very promising and interesting read. Since I am enjoying it so much, I just had to see if it was available at a bargain so I could share it with you all in my feature and it so happens that its kindle version is FREE on amazon! 🙂

So don’t wait and get your copy now. 🙂

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