February 12, 2025

#BlogToFeedAChild ~My contribution to eliminate hunger!

Image Source: http://blog.blogadda.com/2014/11/11/blog-to-feed-a-child-akshaya-patra-blogadda

We all agree with the statement, “Sharing is caring.” but do we follow it? When I was a kid, I still remember I used to ask my mother to pack a little extra food; not because I got so hungry that I needed extra but because I wanted to share it with my friends.

In our country we believe in keeping others welfare before us. Feeding the hungry is the biggest charity and claimed to give the feeder the most blessings then why are people in India still going without food in their bellies? If each one of us pledges to feed atleast one hungry child and help the needy then the day is not far when there will be no hunger, no poverty but only happiness and prosperity.
When I heard about Blogadda’s noble initiative #BlogToFeedAChild in association with Akshaya Patra, I was happy to lend my contribution to this great cause. In our hectic lives, we are often not able to take the time out to personally organize a drive to feed hungry children but what we can always do is rather than throwing away the extra food in our homes, give it to hungry children. This is just the first step towards eliminating hunger. In parties, wedding and other large social events, so much food is wasted. It is just thrown away while if used properly it can become a meal for so many hungry children.

We often celebrate our birthday, anniversary and other happy events in our lives by inviting friends to our home but wont the satisfaction and happiness of these events increase if we use them to feed some hungry children? A hunger free child is a happy child. Let’s pledge to use as many events as possible as a way to feed the hungry children and thus, bring a smile to their faces. When no one is hungry is when India will move ahead in terms of development.

With a large country like ours, if people start taking care of each other, that day is not far when India will truly be happy and prosperous!

I am going to #BlogToFeedAChild with Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda. Are you?

To all my blogger friends, I request you to BLOG about this initiative and help feed more hungry children!

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