October 5, 2024

#BlogTour and #BookReview–> Done With Men by Shuchi Singh Kalra

Done With Men by Shuchi Singh Kalra

The Blurb

Travel journo, Kairavi Krishna (Kay) has had it with men. After a series of disasters (losers, philanderers, leeches, mama’s boys and possessive psychos), she is all too tempted to walk out on the prospect of ever finding love. Accompanied by her best friend and flat-mate Baani, she sets off for Goa, hoping to get away from her miserable love life and vowing to stay clear of the male species. 

Goa however, has a host of surprises in store for her. Ricky, her pesky ex-boyfriend, is busy painting the town red with his hot new girlfriend. Now what is poor Kay to do other than overdose on vodka, smoke pot, get an outrageous tattoo and fall off the hotel balcony? She wakes up in the hospital to the tender ministrations of Dr.Vivian D’Mello–young, suave and handsome as hell. Will Kay stick to her guns or will she fall for his ridiculously sexy charms? And what’s up with the mixed signals he’s giving out?

My Review

Kairavi or Kay is a journalist and being a fun loving girl, she plans on enjoying her life. But she has had rotten luck with men so far. Tired from trying to get the companionship of a suitable man who, it seems are all equally bad, she decides to take a break and go to Goa with her flatmate, Bani.

But her problems are not over and after a disastrous night, she finds herself in a hospital with little to no memory of how she got there. As if this is not enough, the doctor treating her is charming, handsome and it looks like she has finally found her perfect match but the timing is all wrong!

What will Kay do now? 
Is the handsome doctor the answer to all her prayers? Or Is he just another one of those losers she seems to be attracted to?

Shuchi weaves a splendid tale of fun, mischief, laughter and heartfelt enjoyment in her book, Done With Men. The cover is attractive but not very helpful to ascertain the type of story it holds. The title is promising and it was the title that first attracted me to this book. The blurb is also very captivating and piques our interest.

The plot is very well conceived and executed and I could not find any loopholes in the story. The writing style of Shuchi is very admirable and she is able to capture and hold the interest of the reader till the very end. I laughed, cried, smiled, relived the time when I had first fallen in love and thoroughly enjoyed the book. Her style of writing, her creativity in bringing her story to life on paper and her efforts to hook the reader have worked out beautifully in the book. 🙂

The characterization is noteworthy and Shuchi is able to make her characters seem real and connected to the readers. Kay symbolizes the  self independent, employed and driven woman of  India who believes in working hard and enjoying each moment of her life. Shuchi brings out the real and sometimes the dissatisfying side of the very happy looking lives of such women who often feel alone, being away from their family and so fall for the wrong kind of companionship be it friends or boyfriendsI also totally enjoyed Dr. Vivian’s character and Kay’s flatmate, Baani.

A funny, entertaining and super enjoyable story that will leave you fully satisfied and energized, I give Done With Men a 4.5 out of 5 and strongly recommend that you go buy, read and enjoy the book. I look forward to reading more from the author in the future.

I received the book from the author and the tour organizers and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

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Meet the author

The Author’s Thoughts

Shuchi Singh Kalra is a writer, editor and blogger based in India. She has been writing since 2005, and has freelanced with popular magazines such as Femina.in, Good Housekeeping, Home Review, Parent & Child, Vista, Investors India, Dogs & Pups, Women’s Era and Time ‘N’ Style among many others. her short stories have found a place in anthologies such as Love Across Borders and New Asian Writing’s upcoming collection (to be published in 2014).

Shuchi is also the owner of Pixie Dust Writing Studio, a writing and editing firm that services a global clientele, and the Indian Freelance Writers Blog. She currently lives a nomadic life with a fauji husband and a livewire toddler. 

 Done With Men is her first book.
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