October 5, 2024

#BlogTour, #AuthorInterview and #Giveaway–> The Fire and The Light by Tracy A. Akers

Author: Tracy A. Akers
Series: Souls of Aredyrah, Book #1
Genre: YA, Fantasy

Print Length: 396 Pages
Language: English

In the world of Aredyrah, things are not what they seem. An ancient Purge has plunged the island into darkness, isolating its cultures by superstition and fear. Dayn lives in the northernmost region of Kirador and knows nothing of the great city-state of Tearia far to the south. All he knows is the Kiradyns are the only survivors of a god’s fiery wrath, and he looks nothing like them. Meanwhile Ruairi, a prince destined for greatness, resents his Tearian obligations, longing for a life he can never hope to have. But when tragedy takes his beauty as well as his name, he finds himself exiled by the very beliefs he once held dear. Both boys long for acceptance in societies that cling to religious ideals, but when fate throws them together, Dayn and Ruairi discover some unwelcome truths: not only are they bound by blood and prophecy, but the teachings they have been raised on are nothing more than lies. Will they reveal what they have learned, risking their lives and the security of those they love? Or will they keep silent, denying their destinies and the future enlightenment of their world?

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PaperbackAmazon | Barnes and Noble

Meet The Author

Tracy A. Akers is a former language arts teacher and an award-winning author. She grew up in Arlington, Texas, but currently lives in Florida with her husband, three naughty pugs, and a feisty chihuahua. She graduated with honors from the University of South Florida with a degree in Education, and has taught in both public and private schools. She currently divides her time between writing, lecturing, spending time with her family, and costuming at fantasy and science fiction conventions.
Ms. Akers has won numerous awards for her Souls of Aredyrah fantasy series for young adults. As a Florida Book Awards winner, she was acknowledged for her contribution to YA literature by the Governor of Florida during the 2008 Florida Heritage Month Awards Ceremony. Books One and Two of the Aredyrah Series are included in the Florida Department of Education’s 2008 Just Read Families Recommended Summer Reading List. In addition, Ms. Akers has been an invited guest author at major book events and writers’ conferences, a panelist at fantasy and science fiction conventions, and was on the steering committee for Celebration of the Story, a literary event held at Saint Leo University.
The Souls of Aredyrah Series is Ms. Akers’ first series of novels for young adults.


Today, Tracy A. Akers is here on Njkinny’s World of Books for virtual coffee. Lets welcome her. 

Welcome to Njkinny’s World of Books, Tracy!
I am so happy to have you here and look forward to getting to know you better. 🙂
Lets start the interview.

Q1. Tell us
something about yourself. 

I was born and
raised in Texas, but haven’t lived in the Lone Star State for about twenty
years. I’m told I still have a Texas accent. However, I must disagree. Everyone
says y’all, right? My public school years were pretty typical of those of my
generation: girls were not allowed to wear pants to school—ever
—and boys were paddled in the hallway for
being disruptive in class. These days, girls can wear pretty much anything, and
spanking is strictly forbidden. As Filch would say, A pity
they let the old punishments die. Was a time detention would find you hanging
by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming.”  

Q2. In one sentence, what is your book The Fire and the Light about?

It begins the epic tale of two boys, one an outcast, the
other a fallen prince, whose chance meeting sets them on a path of danger,
discovery, and hidden truths.

Q3. What inspired you to write this book?

I did not initially set out to write a book, I set out to
draw a picture, but the image I envisioned refused to cooperate with the pencil.
A very stubborn character named Ruairi was determined to be drawn instead. During
the process of creating (and battling with) the drawing, Ruairi introduced me
to his world, his friends, and the challenges they faced. It was so oddly
profound, I figured I should at least jot down a few notes! I didn’t know at
the time that it would turn into four novels. And I still don’t know why he
chose me to tell it.

Q4. What has been the biggest surprise or learning
you’ve seen through the process of seeing your book get published?

The biggest surprise would be the many awards it has won for
YA Literature. The biggest learning experience has been how competitive the
book industry is, and how competitive I’m not.

Q5. Tell me about a fun moment you’ve had while writing your
The Fire and the Light

Sometimes characters seem to pop out of nowhere. I met one
at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure while I was waiting for family
members to get off a ride. As I sat nearby, watching the line snake around, I
saw an antsy young boy interacting with a very stoic teenage boy.  The younger boy was my inspiration for
Kerrik, a character in the story who brings goodness and hope to Ruairi’s
unhappy life. 

Q6. Which character from your book The Fire and the Light is
your favorite and why?

Well, I’d have to say Ruairi because he’s my muse, but
Kerrik has been the most fun to write. I love Kerrik’s humor, innocence, and energy.
He always makes me smile.

Q7. What is the one thing that you hope readers take away
after reading your book?

Whatever they need or want, but mostly I hope they enjoyed
the visit.

Q8. If someone were to tell you one thing before you started
writing, what do you wish it had been?

Be less trusting. I know that sounds terrible, but as I said
earlier, the book business is very competitive. If something sounds too good to
be true, it’s probably fiction.

Q9. What kind of research did you do for this book? Did you
travel for conducting the research?

As a child I gravitated to books about archaeology. More than
anything I wanted to be one. That 
didn’t happen of course, and my knees are far
too creaky now, but I continue to be intrigued by the ancients, so that’s
probably why I write about them. I 
didn’t travel to do research for the books
per se, but I did use historical places to help me imagine the various cities
and cultures in the series. Mesa Verde National Park is the one place 
I’ve actually visited that I used as a setting in the story. It became the Taubastet
village of Adjo, which readers don’t visit until Book Four:
The Shifting of the Stars. I will never
be a real 
archaeologist, but through my writing I get to be a fictional one. The
world of Aredyrah is my dig. I explore it every day.

Q10. How did you first know that you had the writing bug in

I knew the moment I started jotting down notes about Ruairi.
Before that, I’d never considered being a writer. After that, I 
couldn’t imagine being anything else.

Q11. What is the best thing you have done in your life?

There are two things that make me the most proud. One was
going to college during my middle-age years and graduating with honors. The
second was writing (and completing) The Souls of Aredyrah series.

Q12. What are your favorite hobbies?

Writing of course, but I also enjoy costuming on a budget. A
friend of mine and I have a convention boutique called Two Ladies and a Con. We
work a few fantasy conventions each year, selling clothes and accessories that
are perfect for creating unique and affordable costumes or adding interest to
everyday wardrobes. We call it persona-wear.

Q13.  If you had to
describe yourself using three words, it would be…

A nice person. (That’s three words.)

Q14. What are your pet peeves or interesting things about
you that you dislike? What are the interesting things about you that you like?

I dislike my inability to stick to a diet.
I like that I’m a grandma who actually knows what Steampunk

Q15. What’s the one thing, you can’t live without?

Mexican food. 

Q16. What are the four things you always take care of while
writing your books?

Not the housework, that’s for sure.

Q17. 5 things you would like to share with all the aspiring
authors out there?

  1. Write every chance
    you get, even if it’s only in your head.
  2. Write the story you
    were given, not one to fit a particular genre.
  3. Write because you
    love it, not to fill your pocketbook.
  4. Write even if
    others tell you you’re not good at it.
  5. Write because the
    universe picked you to be a writer. It’s an honor to be picked by the
Q18. Where can people find you on the Internet?

Right now I have no Tracy A. Akers website, but I do have a
series website: http://www.soulsofaredyrah.com.
That’s where you can find series information, my events calendar, writing tips,
character illustrations, etc.

Q19. What’s next up for you, writing-wise?

I am working on a new novel that takes place in Aredyrah but
is set during a different time, more toward the present. Readers of The Souls of Aredyrah
series will likely recognize a few descendants of earlier characters, as well
as see the progress (or lack of it) that some of the cultures have made. It
might be a stand-alone book, or it might turn into a series; I have it mapped
out both ways. I plan to shop it, so I guess it will depend on what the
publisher thinks.

Q20. Before you go how about you share the 5 things that no
one knows about you?

  1. The only class I ever failed was high school French. I am
    not proud.
  2. I’m terrified of spiders, but have “pet” spiders on my
    front porch.
  3. I collect pug figurines. I really do need to stop.
  4. I think Charlie Hunnam is the handsomest actor on the
  5. I have a fear of dialing wrong numbers. (Not sure what
    that’s called. It’s so weird, there probably 
    isn’t even a name for it.)
Thanks for talking with Njkinny’s World of Books and sharing so much about yourself. Njkinny’s World of Books wishes you the very best in all your future endeavors and hopes to read a lot more from you in the future. 🙂

Follow the Author

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Buy the Book
EbooksKindle | Smashwords | Nook | Sony | Diesel
PaperbackAmazon | Barnes and Noble 
Series Reading Order
Book 1: The Fire and The Light

EbooksKindle | Smashwords | Nook | Sony | Diesel
PaperbackAmazon | Barnes and Noble 
Book 2: The Search for the Unnamed
Ebooks: Kindle
Paperback: Amazon

Book 3: The Taking of the Dawn
Ebooks: Kindle
Paperback: Amazon

Book 4: The Shifting of the Stars
Ebooks: Kindle
Paperback: Amazon

Find & Buy The Complete Series From
Amazon.in : Souls of Aredyrah Series
Amazon.com: The Souls of Aredyrah


$25 Amazon.com or BN.com Gift Card or Paypal Cash, Ebook/paperback giveaway Ends 03/28/2014. Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com or BN.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kisha from Indie Hoopla Services & Promotions, http://indiehoopla.com and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
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