October 5, 2024

Blog Tour, Book Review, Excerpt and Giveaway–>The Keys of the Watchmen by Kathleen C. Perrin.


Welcome to the tour for the New Adult Historical Paranormal The Keys of the Watchmen by Kathleen C. Perrin.

The Keys of the Watchmen by Kathleen C. Perrin


Katelyn Michaels plans on hating every moment of her visit to Mont Saint Michel with her father’s new French wife. Once there, she is confused when she experiences sensations of déjà vu and hears voices as she and her younger brother explore the medieval village and abbey.

When the oddly-dressed but alluring Nicolas slips Katelyn a strange medallion, she is whisked back through time with him to the 15th century where her Watchmen hosts tell her she is the only hope to save Mont Saint Michel from the invading English armies. Even worse, she learns those armies are led by a fallen angel intent on learning the mount’s closely-guarded secret.

Katelyn is torn by feelings of anger at being taken back in time, inadequacy at finding a modern solution for a medieval problem, and responsibility for the mount’s starving inhabitants. She is also perturbed by her surprising attraction to the ill-tempered Nicolas. Will she stay to learn why she was chosen by the Archangel Michael and find a way to save his mount?


Book Review

The Keys of the Watchmen by Kathleen C. Perrin came as a surprise to me. When I agreed to review it I wasn’t expecting the book to be so unique and fantastic. The cover is intriguing and mysterious and caught my attention right from the start and when you add the unconventional title, I knew I had to check it out.
The blurb is okay but after reading the book, I feel that it could have been made more appealing.
Kathleen’s writing style is simple, engrossing and she manages to mystify the reader right from the start. She creates a seamless flow of events in the story and kept me interested right till the end and then eager to read the next book.
Time travel is a subject that has been used so many times and very rarely is it executed so as to make the story memorable. The author in this book manages to balance the present and the past beautifully in this story. The variations are developed expertly and I could visualize the eras which was very enjoyable.
The characterization is well done and characters come alive right before the readers’ eyes. I questioned the existence and the motivations of several characters in this book but then was impressed as they slowly developed and played their roles.
All in all, The Keys of the Watchmen by Kathleen C. Perrin is a different book and a unique experience that I enjoyed and recommend to historical and paranormal lovers. 4 out of 5 to it and I hope to read more from Kathleen in the future.
I received the book from the author and the tour organizers and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.
turns to the right and hugs the shoreline of the mount some distance around the
island before he heads out into the open sands. I match him step for step. I
understand what he meant about the sand pulling shoes in. In some spots, I can
hardly pull my feet out of the goo. Nicolas is walking quickly, confidently,
not using his stick yet.
            After about twenty steps, I feel the
coldness of water and the heavy tug of a current. This must be the Couesnon
River, which has cut a shallow channel in the sands, and is being pulled out to
sea with a tremendous amount of force. Without his stable strength, I would
fall. The water comes up to our knees, but we get through it quickly. Then when
we reach the other side of the channel, Nicolas begins to use his ‘divining
rod.’ It’s a slow, methodical process as he bends slightly to inspect each
stick placement. From that point onward, every foot closer to the shore is a
victory. At times, we’re forced to move sideways. As we zig and zag, attempting
to make forward progress, Nicolas pats my hands clenched around his waist, as
if to reassure me that all is well.
            I can no longer feel my feet, but I
still match his every step. At one point, he stops completely, and I feel the
whistling of something close to my ear. An arrow! I recognize that unhallowed
sound from my escape from the English ship. But unlike that experience, there
is no shouting, no sound of angry Godons. We remain standing stationary like
that for at least a half an hour, and all the while, Nicolas squeezes my hand.
I don’t even want to know what just happened, but I trust him.
            The sound of our breathing under our
makeshift tent is the only sound I hear. And the staccato clogging of my heart
begging for relief because I can feel my feet again, and they’re a pulsing mass
of pain. I want nothing more than to move, sit down, or run. Just standing
there without moving an inch is one of the most painful things I’ve ever
experienced. I feel the throbbing in my arm and thigh as the blood pumps
against my stitches, threatening to explode. I think I might die if I have to
stand immobile for one more instant but I can’t let Nicolas down. I promised I
would do exactly as he says. And so I do.
            Finally, he shifts slightly to the
side and I breathe out in relief at being able to move, but he stops again. I
bite my lip to keep myself from screaming out in agony. And then slowly, step
by miniscule step we continue. However this time, he stops after every step and
waits for what seems an eternity, but is probably only about five minutes. Now
I really know what it means to cross the Fire Swamp, avoiding the flame spurt,
fighting the Rodents of Unusual Size, and navigating the lightning sands, and
it is by far the most difficult voyage I’ve ever made.
            When my feet touch a different
texture, I don’t even realize it at first because they are so numb. Not until
Nicolas pulls me down to the ground do I realize we’ve made it to the mainland.
We’re in the salt marsh, the tufts of salty grass I remember from our drive to
the island. I’m hoping we might find some of those salt marsh sheep. They’d be
just fine in place of a fat pig.
            After we remain flat on our stomachs
for another eternity, Nicolas finally sits up. He pulls my shoes and socks out
of his knapsack and hands them to me. I can hardly get them over my swollen,
frozen feet, but I finally begin to feel some relief. I’m grateful they’re dry.
Nicolas puts on his sabots. He won’t find any warmth from them, but they will
provide some protection. He indicates that we’re going to move along the marshy
land on our bellies. The ordeal is not over. I’m beginning to wish I’d let
Nicolas go alone after all.
            It takes us at least another two
hours of working our way over the damp, bumpy terrain. Now, it’s not only my
feet that are cold and wet, but every inch of my body as well. I’m grateful
that Nicolas’s course robe is between me and the ground, because it provides
some protection for my wounds. Now I know why the Montois are starving. I’d
just as soon starve as go through the Fire Swamp ever again. And then the
reality hits me: I’ve got to go back the same way I came.
       Finally, we make it to a dilapidated farmhouse. Nicolas pulls
me to my feet and we press ourselves against the wall as we work our way around
to the door. It hangs askew, and creaks as he attempts to open it. Inch by
inch, he creates enough of a gap for us to slip inside. When we finally make
it, I collapse with fatigue.

Kathleen C. Perrin holds Bachelor’s degrees from Brigham Young University in French and Humanities, and graduated summa cum laude. She is a certified French-to-English translator. While completing her education, Kathleen met and married a dashing young Frenchman. They have spent years investigating the mysteries and beauties of his native country, and have a cottage in Brittany. For a ten-year period they took tourists to Mont Saint Michel, where she served as tour guide.

Kathleen has lived in Utah, New York City, France, and for eight years in French Polynesia. She has worked professionally as a language and music teacher, translator, interpreter and writer. She has published several non-fiction articles, academic papers, and a religious history about Tahiti.

Traveling and learning about new countries and cultures is a passion for Kathleen, but her latest passion is sharing the mysteries of France through her fiction.

The Perrins have three children, and currently reside in Utah.
AUTHOR ONLINE: Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads






The author will be giving away $25 Amazon Gift Card (INT) to the winner of the below Rafflecopter.  The giveaway ends June 3rd.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

6 thoughts on “Blog Tour, Book Review, Excerpt and Giveaway–>The Keys of the Watchmen by Kathleen C. Perrin.

  1. I love historical fiction and this looks to be one I would enjoy. Mont Saint Michel is very beautiful and gives a good setting for the story

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