October 5, 2024

Book Review–> How To Survive Your Sisters by Ellie Campbell

Title and Author: How To Survive Your Sisters by Ellie Campbell
No. of Pages: 449
Publication Date: December 2, 2013
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Chicklit, Indie
Language: English

Book Review:
How To Survive Your Sisters is a humourous story of four sisters with ample rivalry, jealousy, episodes of love and their own romances thrown in to make this book a perfect spicy read for a lazy afternoon.

I loved the cover which shows a bride with an irritated look and instantly attracts your attention making your eager to know why she is irritated and angry. Then the blurb is an added bonus which interested me further to request the authors for a copy to read and review which they were kind enough to provide. Thank you so much Ellie. 🙂

Right from the start, the reader is thrown smack dab into scenes with heated sibling rivalry, jealousy and yet a deep love that makes them hate yet love each other. I know I am making no sense but people who have sisters will understand what I am saying!

This was my first book by the sister duo writing under the pseudonym, Ellie Campbell and I am so happy to say that it wont be my last from them. The writing is simple, vivid and engrossing. The expertly portrayed  settings and the day-to-day scenarios look so realistic that I felt as if I knew the MacLeod sisters. There irritation with each other, the sudden bursts of jealousy, the ever-present teasing but also the deep rooted care and love for each other made them dear to me.

As the book progressed, I was totally captivated and held at the edge of my seat with curiosity to know what happened next with these four sisters. 
Would they find their own respective happily-ever-after? 
Would they ever see eye-to-eye on anything?
What impact would the sudden revelation of the old secrets have on their lives?

I loved Peggy, their eccentric mother and the embarrassing yet loving drunkard father. This book had me connecting with all the characters and they stay with you long after we have finished reading the book.

The authors do a brilliant job of balancing family, sibling rivalry, suspense and four romances in one book and keeping the reader engaged till the very end. One can enjoy this book whether they have sisters or not. It is hilarious and entertaining to make it a memorable read.

All in all, I absolutely loved How To Survive Your Sisters and give it 4.5 super shiny stars out of 5. Strongly recommended to everyone, go grab your copy and enjoy. The authors are a talented duo and a happy new addition to my “authors to look out for” list.

I received the book from the authors and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

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