October 5, 2024

Book Review–> The Kiss Before Midnight by Sophie Pembroke

Title and Author: The Kiss Before Midnight: A Christmas Romance Novella by Sophie Pembroke
No. of Pages: 121
Publication Date: HarperImpulse (November 13, 2014)
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Holiday Romance, Christmas Romance
Language: English

Book Review:

Molly Mackenzie is going home for Christmas and is dreaming of re-living that magical chemistry she once shared with her brother’s best friend, Jake. But the only problem is Jake himself who has been shying away from committing since ages. Will she be able to convince Jake that they are meant to be together?
Does Jake really like Molly as much as she does him?
What will happen to Molly and Jake when they meet on Christmas?

The Kiss Before Midnight was my first book by Sophie and it is a light, breezy, holiday romance with an abundance to Christmas cheer.

I just loved the cover and it was the cover which had me picking up this book to read. Later, when I read the blurb, I like that too!

Sophie’s writing style is simple, bubbly and she expertly puts the readers in the lives of the characters in this story. I was engaged right from the start and followed Molly all through her adventures and misadventures. While I liked Molly, I still felt that she was not very mature unlike Jake who was very mature and likable. Molly’s dilemmas are real but still didn’t make the needed impact on me. Something was amiss in her and I just could not put my finger on it and didn’t completely agree to her dealings of the events in the later part of the book. However, the ending, being a HEA left me satisfied and happy.

I loved Molly’s family and would love to revisit them again in Sophie’s other books dealing with this family. I liked Sophie’s writing style and will surely check out her other books.

All in all, The Kiss Before Midnight is a light, entertaining holiday romance that brings in the Christmas cheer and leaves us believing in the magic of Christmas and love. 3.5 out of 5 to it and recommended to all romance lovers.

I received the book from Netgalley and I am very thankful to the publishers, the author and Netgalley for sending me the book to read. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

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4 thoughts on “Book Review–> The Kiss Before Midnight by Sophie Pembroke

  1. I'm a sucker for book covers too Nikita. In fact, most of the books I pick up for myself are soley because of the cover art. The Kiss Before Midnight sounds charming, and personally, I wouldn't mind reading a story in a Christmas setting, this summer heat is unbearable! Ha ha! Lovely review 🙂

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