October 5, 2024

Book Review–> The Lycan Hunter (The Gardinian World Series #1) by Kelsey Jordan

Title and Author: The Lycan Hunter by Kelsey Jordan

Series: The Gardinian World Series Book 1
No. of Pages: 308
Publication Date: Booktrope (May 29, 2014)
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Werewolves, Shifters, Suspense
Language: English

Book Review:
Alexis James is a Lycan Hunter and Mikko Kyran is a Lycan. Theoretically and practically they are enemies but what do you do when you find your soul mate in your enemy?
This is what happens with Alexis and Mikko but can they have a life together?

The Lycan Hunter is a book that threw me at several points but before I talk of those points, let me tell you why I picked up this book to read. The cover is not very appealing but it was the blurb that had me intrigued to read the book. It talked of action, adventure, a forbidden love and paranormal thrown in for good measure. All the right things to make me interested! 🙂

When I started the book, the first thing that I felt was interest but at its heels came confusion. The names of the many characters, the places and almost everything else in Kelsey’s world have unconventional names that I had problem remembering and was confused. There are too many characters ranging from lycans, lycan hunters, Gods and Goddesses that somewhere I felt could have been curtailed. Some characters had almost no role in the story. But despite this confusion, I got engaged in the story right from the start.

The author creates a believable and meticulously planned world in her book and I could visualize earth inhabited by Lycans and their arch enemies, the Lycan Hunters. The war between these two species is also very admirably made realistic to the reader who feels as if he/she is right there participating in all the action!

The writing style is simple and engaging. I felt connected to Alexis, Mikko and the other characters who are all so beautifully sketched. The forbidden love relationship between Alexis and Mikko had me rooting for a miracle that could bring them together and eager to see what would happen next.
The hypocrisy of the Lycan hunters, especially Alexis’ parents had me grinding my teeth in anger and wanting to give them a piece of my mind.

The suspense, action and romance is admirably balanced by the author but still, I didnt quite agree with the re-start to the war as shown in the book. You will understand what I am talking about when you read the story. Also at many points I felt the story slowing towards an end but whenever I thought that the end was here, it started again. This sudden changes could have been smoothed out and the story made more crisp.

I am eager to read about the subsequent events in Alexis and Mikko lives and how the war pans out and so will be checking out the next books. 4 out of 5 to The Lycan Hunter and recommended to lovers of paranormal romance with lycans and intrigue. Kelsey is a promising author and I wish her the best.

I received the book from the publishers  and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced. 

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