October 5, 2024

Book Review–> Books of the Kindling #3- Making Magic by Donna June Cooper

Title and Author: Making Magic by Donna June Cooper
No. of Pages: 317
Series: Books of the Kindling #3
Publication Date: Samhain Publishing, Ltd. (January 20, 2015)
Genre: Contemporary Romance with a little magic
Language: English

Book Review:

Having already read the previous two books in the Books of the Kindling series, I am already a big fan of Donna and was eager to start on the third book as soon as I finished the first two books. 

Starting with the cover, I loved it! The beautifully used graphics had my eyes wandering and sticking to it right from the start. Although, at first, I thought the girl shown here was actually a boy! LOL

The blurb is again very interesting and had me itching to hurry and start on it! 

Just like the previous two books in this series, I absolutely enjoyed reading Making Magic. Donna’s writing style is simple and the events just flowed taking me along into the story. I felt connected with Jake and Thea. I related to the Woodruff family and reading this book felt like visiting old friends. I loved to read about the latest developments in the lives of my beloved characters from the previous books while also get hooked to all the drama unfolding for my latest favourites, Thea and Jake. Revisiting the Woodruff mountain was again a pleasing and happy experience!

Donna has taken a novel idea and executed it brilliantly to bring to the readers romances different from the other romances. Without venturing fully into fantasy, she uses romance with a bit of magic and a whole lot of plot to engage the readers and keep them at the edge of their seats.

Here too, the same happened. I was awed by Thea’s magical powers and then when I learned that there were more gifted people other than the Woodruff’s, well, it was just fantastic. The mystery of the disappearing children, the fear of the knowledge of their power coming out in public and the adventurous romantic ride had me laughing, feeling excited, wowed, grief stricken and then warmed.

“Sticks and stones may threaten bones, but her words can conquer both body and soul.”

There is so much going on in the story that I cant possibly tell you all the things that I loved about this book. It’s a complete package and a must-read!

Making Magic by Donna June Cooper is the 3rd book in the Books of the Kindling series but can be read as standalone. I also absolutely loved this series and the stories are a must read!

A really amazing series and a fantastic book, I give Making Magic 4.5 out of 5 and strongly recommend it to all romance lovers. This series is different and one that you are sure to enjoy. I cant wait to read the next book and am sure to keep a lookout for Donna’s future releases.

I received the book from the author and I am very thankful to her. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

Buy From:

Amazon IN: Kindle Ebook | Paperback
Amazon US: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

****Books of the Kindling Series****

Book 1: More Than Magic by Donna June Cooper
Amazon IN: Kindle Ebook | Paperback
Amazon US: Kindle Ebook | Paperback 
Read My Review: Click Here

Book 2: Mostly Magic by Donna June Cooper
Amazon IN: Kindle Ebook | Paperback
Amazon US: Kindle Ebook |Paperback
Read My Review: Click Here

Book 3: Making Magic by Donna June Cooper
Amazon IN: Kindle Ebook | Paperback
Amazon US: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

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