October 5, 2024

#BookReview: Only Wheat Not White by Varsha Dixit

Title and Author: Only Wheat Not White by Varsha Dixit

No. of Pages: 262
Publication Date: Penning Publishing (2 June 2014)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Language: English

Book Review:
 Only Wheat Not White is the story of Eila Sood who has just arrived in America to live with her estranged sister and try to mend the broken ties once again. Eila’s elder sister, Sheetal became a stranger to them when she married a foreigner. Now seven years later, Eila is here to try and mend those ties but before departing she got a strict ” Only Wheat Not White” warning from her mother, meaning that she is never to fall for a white man!

But despite all precautions, Eila does fall in love and that too with a foreigner. Will her love estrange her from her family like her sister’s did? or Will she let go of her love and go with her parents’ wish of  Only Wheat Not White ?

This is the first book by Varsha that I read and I absolutely enjoyed every second of it!

The first thing that attracted me towards this book was the intriguing and beautiful cover. I loved the saree in it and was captivated enough to pick it up to check out the blurb which had me opening the book to read it!

Right from the start I was hooked. First by the antics and frustrations of Eila as she arrives in a foreign country alone. Her observation of the airport, the people and the formalities had me laughing and chuckling. Then just as fluidly, I was shifted to the uneasy re-introduction of the two sisters after all these years and the awkwardness between them felt like it was my own. The fluid shifts between emotions and situations had me enjoying the myriad facets of life and people, all admirably delivered by the author.

The author has written simply and yet managed to engross and connect me with the story and the characters. Eila is the grounded sister but she has a big mouth. Witty, funny, snarky and then just as easily shy, she won my heart and I thoroughly enjoyed her cat and mouse game with the hero, who was easily the most sexy, enigmatic and swoon worthy hero I have come across recently. He became rude and biting one second and then just as easily shifted to charming and caring making my heart flutter at his every action.

The sister-sister dynamics and the sister-in-law and foreigner-brother-in-law dynamics are explored beautifully and while reading the book, I came to care about all these characters hoping to meet them someday!

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The story is entertaining and executed well and had me engrossed right till the end. The author takes up the issues of outsourcing, the cultural boundaries, the parental expectations and the adjustments one has to make when one marries across cultures and then very expertly gives us a simple answer to all these seemingly big issues. She proves that LOVE is the answer to even the biggest of problems and I just loved her reasoning!

The only thing that I feel I wanted to know and was left in the unknown, was the angle with Eila’s parents. I would have loved to read about their reaction to this new love story and know if they finally came around or not. Maybe, the author will take us back to Eila’s family in one of her future books. However, for the time being this angle of the parents doesn’t hamper the story in anyway and the story closes beautifully.

All in all,  Only Wheat Not White is truly an entertainer and a book I would love to re-read again and again. I give it 4.5 out of 5 and strongly recommend it to all romance readers. Varsha is a very talented author and I am so glad to have met her books. Will be checking out more of her books in the future.

I received the book by the author to read and give my honest opinion. The above review is my own unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

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Amazon US: Kindle Book

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