October 5, 2024

Book Review: She Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Zeenat Mahal

Title and Author: She Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Zeenat Mahal
No. of Pages: 260
Publication Date: Indireads (14 February 2015)
Genre: Contemporary Romance, South Asian Literature
Language: English

Book Review:

She Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Zeenat Mahal is the third book by the author that I have read and loved.

The title of the book is quite unique and the blurb intriguing, a reminder of the much loved fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast.

Zoella loves Fardeen but he is too gorgeous, too cool and totally engaged to ever notice her plain Jane self but a horrible turn of events leave Fardeen scarred and then married to Zoella but is this the happy ending with the Prince that she always dreamed of?

I like Zeenat Mahal’s style of writing and her books are entertaining. This book is no exception. It is intense with heartfelt emotional play, romance and a strong plot that captured my attention right from the start and until the end.

The characters are realistic and flawed people who felt like people I could relate to. Zoella started out likable and I loved her simplicity, loyalty and her love for Fardeen but somewhere in the later part of the book, I started hating her. She became too stubborn, too closed minded to really see the love around her.

Fardeen started out like a too perfect character I didnt quite like. He was over smart, felt himself too superior and he didn’t notice my favourite heroine! But then he shifted just as easily from being a hated character to a swoon worthily lovable beast and a hero I started rooting for.

The romance between Fardeen and Zoella is bittersweet and successfully makes the reader feel each and every emotion felt by the protagonists.

The picture of life in Pakistan is beautifully brought to life by the author. Zoella’s family represents the people who value their sons over their daughters even if the supposed son is worthless. They blame the girls for everything even if their accusations are unwarranted. The girls are taught to live with this injustice. I seriously felt like smacking Zoella’s mother who was so blind that she didn’t notice the diamond of a daughter she had. Her brother and sister-in-law are people for whom I wanted that they get to experience a taste of their own medicine and feel all the cruelty they had meted out to Zoella.

Fardeen’s family is poles apart from Zoella’s. These are lovable people who value each other and are ready to stand up for each other’s happiness.

All in all, I loved and enjoyed reading She Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Zeenat Mahal and give it 4.5 out of 5. Strongly recommended to all romance lovers, this one is a must read.

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~Read my Review of the other books by Zeenat Mahal~

The Contract by Zeenat Mahal: My Review
She loves me, He loves me not by Zeenat Mahal: My Review
Haveli by Zeenat Mahal: My Review

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