February 12, 2025

#BookReview: Soul Warrior (The Age of Kali #1) by Falguni Kothari

Title and Author: Soul Warrior by Falguni Kothari
Series: The Age of Kali #1
No. of Pages: 404
Publication Date: November 2015
Genre: Indian Mythological Fiction, Indian Writing
Language: English

Book Review:

Soul Warrior by Falguni Kothari narrates the story of the legendary Mahabharat character Karna but in a fictional setting. Although the backdrop is still Mahabharat and its myths but the story is essentially fiction and bears little resemblance to real facts. So when I read the blurb where the author starts with the warning Twisted myths. Discretion advised. “ I thought I was ready to see Karna in a new light but boy! Was I surprised! Falguni takes a beloved hero who through circumstances and some unfortunate decisions landed on the wrong side of the war and gives him the chance at a better life I always thought he missed in his real one.

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In this book, he gets his chance at the ‘more’ from his life that  he deserved and can also be seen using the modern gadgets, wearing jeans and speaking the modern word. As if this is not enough, the smooth shifts in time are a pleasure to read about and I loved how the author effortlessly brought the whole historical eras and then the present alive in her book.

Falguni’s writing style is her usual expressive, vivid and engaging self. I have read and enjoyed her contemporary romances in the past and she shines even when she has jumped genres to write a mythological fiction. Her world building is grand and her descriptions are detailed that had me visualizing everything as if they were happening right in front of me.

The story is medium paced and held me interest throughout. The only issue I had was with the names that sometimes confused me and since their descriptions are so different from their real personas, I had a hard time retaining who was who.

Apart from this, I enjoyed reading Soul Warrior and give it 4 stars out of 5. Recommended to everyone but beware that this is a fictional story so don’t go expecting a Mahabharat story when you pick up this book. A promising start to a new series, I look forward to the next book.

I received the book from the author and I am very thankful to her. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

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Book Blitz, Excerpt and Giveaway: Soul Warrior (The Age of Kali #1) by Falguni Kothari

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