February 12, 2025

Book Review–> Surrogate Author: Authdas Journey of Nine-Month book delivery! by Santosh Avvannavar and Shilpa Patil

Title and Author: Surrogate Author: Authdas Journey of Nine-month book delivery! by Santosh Avvannavar and Shilpa Patil

No. of Pages: 40

Publication Date: October 2014
Genre: Humour, Drama, Play, Short Story, Indian Writing

Language: English

Book Review: 
 Surrogate Author: Authdas Journey of Nine-month book delivery! is truly a humourous account of the toils of an aspiring writer from the inception of the book idea to its delivery. Written like a play, I loved the whole Devdas theme the authors used to narrate the story. Authdas is the author who is in the shoes of Devdas from the similarly named Bollywood movie.  The book is playing the role of Paro from the movie and so on. 

The first thing that attracted me towards the book was the idea behind it. Dedicated to all the aspiring authors of the world, this book promised a quirky and funny account of their writing journey. Then the cover is also very unique with a cartoon of a boy writing and the various thoughts going on in his mind. Both these aspects of the book sold it to me and left me eager to read the book.

A short read, I finished the book quickly and am happy to say that I laughed and enjoyed reading it. I felt connected with Authdas and could empathize with him on his various dilemmas, insecurities, the social pressure and the difficulties in his path of becoming a writer! We face all these issues and many more when we put on the writing cap.

The writing style of the authors is simple and they are able to connect with the aspiring authors and with the general reader through the various scenarios they present in their book. Kudos to them on a job well done!

Although, I absolutely loved the book, I could not overlook the grammatical errors with misspelt words, wrong usage of tenses etc. which somewhat lessened my enjoyment of the book.

All in all, this is a short and very entertaining story which will appeal to every reader, especially to the aspiring authors. 4 out of 5 to Surrogate Author: Authdas Journey of Nine-month book delivery! and recommended to everyone. Had the grammatical errors been handled by giving more time to editing, I would have definitely given this book 5 super shiny stars. I hope these errors are handled in the next edition.

I received the book from the authors and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

 I received an autographed copy and I am so happy. Thank you so much! 🙂

Buy The Book:
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle Ebook
Amazon IN: Paperback | Kindle Ebook 

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