February 12, 2025

Book Review–> Last Love Series #2- Two And A Half Almost Marriages by Mita Jain

Title and Author: Two And A Half Almost Marriages by Mita Jain

No. of Pages: 14 Pages
Publication Date: 25 January 2015
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Short Story, Indian Writing
Language: English

This love story is not about who is ‘THE ONE’. He knew it. She didn’t. 

This love story is not about how she meets him for the first time. It is about what happens when she cannot see who is ‘THE ONE’. 

This story is not about the sensible sensibilities. It is about the romantic fool who resides in all of us. 

At the heart of the story is the notion that there is someone made for everyone. It just needs the right eye and heart in the right place.

Book Review:

Two And A Half Almost Marriages is the latest offering from Mita Jain and it is a short story about a girl who is looking for her ideal love and her adventures along the way.

The cover is sweet and the blurb intriguing. Having read and enjoyed Mita’s previous books, I was ecstatic when she told me that she had a new story. I jumped at the chance to review it and as usual was entertained.

Just like this book, I read her story Meeting Miss Konni Chiwa and had absolutely loved it. So somewhere I compared this story with that one. While Meeting Miss Konni Chiwa was funny, romantic and heart touching right from the start, Two And A Half Almost Marriages picks up on the heart touching and romantic factor in the later part of the story. I cant say it was funny because the subtle humour inserted didn’t get registered as smoothly as it should have.

I loved the eventual hero with his quiet support and the love he always had for the heroine. The heroine was immature and almost stupid in this story and I could not connect with her which is unfortunate because she is the main character here.

Mita’s writing style is simple, fluid and she handles the interview format of the story expertly. Her concise style of telling a heart warming story and capability of eliciting the right emotions from the readers is her strength which she uses to her advantage in this one too. The ending left me appreciative of her creativity and was bowled over by the brilliant twist at the end. 🙂

Overall, I enjoyed this sweet short story but felt that with the amazing message and the suspense that it used, the story had great potential which was not tapped as per my expectations. 3.5 out of 5 to it and recommended to everyone. You will enjoy reading this story especially the message it hides and the witty idea that the author has used to develop it. Now I am eager to start on Mita’s next work and hopefully she will have a new book out soon. 🙂

I received the book from the author and I am very thankful to her. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

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~Books by Mita Jain~
Meeting Miss Konni Chiwa (Last Love Series #1)
Amazon IN {Rs. 49} | Amazon US {$1.00}
Read my Review: Click Here

Dead Man’s Alibi
Amazon US {$1.00}| Amazon IN {Rs. 50}
Read my Review: Click Here

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