October 5, 2024

Book Review–> Wicka : The Chronicles of Elizabeth Blake by Christy Deveaux

Title and Author: Wicka : The Chronicles of Elizabeth Blake by Christy Deveaux

No. of Pages: 306
Publication Date: May 28, 2014
Genre: Paranormal, Teen & YA, Fantasy
Language: English

Book Review:
When I came to know of Wicka, I was instantly interested. I am very intrigued with the concept of witches and the heroine here was a witch! Yay! Then the blurb and the mysterious cover had me itching to start on the book.

Wicka : The Chronicles of Elizabeth Blake by Christy Deveaux is the first book by this author that I have read and I enjoyed reading about Elizabeth. She is young and normal until the day that she realizes that she is a witch! 

The thrill of first love, the uncertainty of teen years and the dilemmas of a life as a witch had me enjoying the book right till the end. There is danger, fantasy, betrayal, love and entertainment. I loved Christy’s writing style which is simple and yet engaging. The settings are realistic and I could visualize the scenes in my mind.

Somewhere in the middle I did feel as if the book started slacking but then it caught on at the end so it was okay. The characters are people I would love to meet someday especially William who is sweet and made me relive my first love days.

The author uses the myths on witches expertly and gives them her own twist. I stayed interested right till the end and give Wicka : The Chronicles of Elizabeth Blake 4 stars out of 5. Recommended to all readers because this book will be loved not only by young adult and teen readers but also by adult readers. I am so happy to meet Christy and will be checking out her future works.

I received the book from the author and Mother Daughter Book Reviews and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

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Amazon US: Kindle Ebook
Amazon IN: Kindle Ebook



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