Title and Author: A Kirribilli Christmas by Louise Reynolds
Publication Date: December 2nd 2014 by Penguin Australia
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Christmas Romance, Holiday Romance, Novella
Language: English
Book Review:
A Kirribilli Christmas by Louise Reynolds is the first book by the author that I have read and I enjoyed it!
The cover is lovely and combined with the intriguing title and intriguing blurb, the book attracted me and had me picking it up to read.
A short, sweet novella focusing on the importance of family, love and cherishing one’s heritage, I enjoyed meeting Shelby and Dan. Both these characters are strong people with their own pasts and it was interesting watching them together. I rooted for a happily-ever-after for them and loved following them on their journey to finding love.
Louise’s writing style is fluid and engaging and she had me visualizing the surroundings and I felt like I was actually there! She developed the plot admirably and held my interest throughout.
All in all, A Kirribilli Christmas by Louise Reynolds is a sweet, engaging and quick holiday romance that had me entertained throughout. Recommended to all romance lovers, I give it 4 out of 5 stars and look forward to reading more from the author in the future.
I received the book from the publishers via Netgalley and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.
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