October 5, 2024

#BookReview–> The Medea Complex by Rachel Florence Roberts

Title and Author: The Medea Complex by Rachel Florence Roberts

  • Paperback: 366 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2 edition (December 1, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Historical Fiction

My Review:
Imagine waking up one day and finding yourself in a strange, dirty and dark cell with no recollection of how you got there!
Imagine the confusion, helplessness and anger at not being able to make anyone understand that you are not who they seem to think you are and not being able to convince them to release you and get you home!

The Medea Complex is Anne Stanbury’s horrifying and sad tale of her life in a lunatic asylum and the factors and events that led her there. The story, according to the author, is based on a true story of a woman admitted in a lunatic asylum on the charge of having murdered her child! Based on the Medea complex which saw a surge in the nineteenth century, this is a riveting and moving story that kept me up all night with nightmares after I finished reading it!

Firstly, I picked up the book numerous times and then after a few pages kept it back every time because frankly, I was getting more and more scared and horrified with each turn of a page. I am not a very brave person and can often be seen with my eyes closed when watching a horror movie. So, when I moved forward with Anne’s story I was so revolted and tormented that I just could not believe that such things were happening to her. This book shocked and grieved me but on the other hand, I was also very impressed with the research that the author has done to bring such a shocking and heart shattering issue from history to life here in her book. Rachel is able to express very poignantly Anne’s as well as the other character’s side of the story. The reader is jolted and then set right all through the book. I am so proud to have braved this heart breaking and soul rending story of Anne because I am very deeply affected by what I see and read and so I usually try to read the bright side of life. I know this is not a good trait and so I am happy that Rachel suggested this book to me. Life is not always sunny, there is also evil in the world.

When Rachel told me about her debut book, I was a bit apprehensive but also very intrigued by the topic that she had chosen. A very controversial topic and very difficult to portray, Rachel has very skillfully and beautifully given us a story that explores and brings forth the dark side of a time when science had not progressed as much as it has today and when insanity was not fully understood.
Rachel brings to us a riveting novel which explores the human nature and the various shifts in our nature that define our actions.

The story is well planned out and executed but still there are some discrepancies in the narration which more time spent on editing could have corrected. The characterization is flawless and I was able to connect with each and every character in the book. The idea of giving voice to several characters and letting the reader know their point of views was a very good idea and very expertly executed. The only area that needs polishing is the narration where at some points in the book the trauma and heaviness of the story got too much for me and I felt a need to skip the pages to move forward. Some parts on the other hand are very beautifully sketched and totally hooked me.

The suspense and mystery element in the story is maintained till the very end and I was unable to work out the conspiracy beforehand. The detailing of procedures and life style relevant to the nineteenth century is meticulously explained and used in the story which shows the depth of the research that the author has done.

All in all, a heavy but very intriguing story that will leave you with a deep sense of sadness, anger and a darkness in your heart with a jaded attitude towards humans along with a sense of pride for a woman who was misunderstood but she still fought to get her voice heard. A very serious and thought provoking piece of work that may not seem interesting to the casual reader but will surely appeal to people looking for some serious reading on a topic based on real events in history. I say it is for the serious reader because I am more of a casual one and I felt the story to be a bit too heavy on my nerves. 🙂

I give The Medea Complex a 3.5 out of 5 and recommend it to people looking for a story that is not your usual holiday read but a story that will leave you with questions and a renewed sense of evil present in our world irrespective of the time we may live in!

I received the book from the authoress, Rachel Florence Roberts to read and review and I am very thankful to her. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.

Buy From:
Amazon.com: Paperback  | Kindle Edition

Amazon.in: Paperback | Kindle Edition
Flipkart.com: eBook | Paperback

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