February 12, 2025

Feature and Follow #11

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community. 
If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers. But you have to know, the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

This week’s question is:

How have your reading habits changed in the past few years? Did you get interested in a new genre? Do you read more? Less? Why do you think your habits changed, if they did.

I have always loved reading but my reading frequency has increased and decreased with time. I almost stopped reading while in college but picked up books again when I got into working. Then my frequency of reading increased by leaps and bounds in the last year. My love for mysteries made me devour any book that has mystery linked to it and because of this I started reading romantic suspense which lead me to B.J. Daniels whose books I just love. 🙂
Harry Potter and Twilight lead me to fantasy and YA genres which I had not been very keen to read before these books got published.
Currently I read on an average 3-4 books per week and also blog about them which is a very satisfying experience and I am loving every second of it! 🙂

What happened with you?

Do let me know and follow me via email, GFC, Bloglovin, FBTwitter,Linkedin etc. etc. Also don’t forget to leave your link in the comments so that I can follow you back! 🙂

Happy Weekend! 🙂

If you host Blog Hops then you are welcome to enter your hop link on my Blog Hops page! 🙂

19 thoughts on “Feature and Follow #11

  1. On average I read about 2 books a week depending on their length and my commitments. And yeah, I love blogging too.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. I'm glad you're able to read so much. Twilight introduced me to paranormal, too. I can't believe I never read it before. 😉 I'm going to have to give B.J. Daniels a try. Happy Friday!

  3. Good for you! I wish I could read that much. Because I both write and blog, I generally don't read more than a book a week, and I'm struggling to keep up even with that. It's always great to discover new genres, though. 😀 Thanks for stopping by my post. Happy Friday!

  4. I wish I read fast enough to read 3-4 books a week. 🙁 I don't think I have ever read B.J. Daniels but I will have to look that author up as I like suspense. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. I agree that blogging is very satisfying, when I take a book a read ages ago and write a review it almost feels like meeting an old friend. Thanks for stopping by:)

  6. I think Harry Potter and Twilight were also what helped me open up to the fantasy genre. My reading frequency has gone down because of all the schoolwork I had, but now that it's summer here I'm hoping to get it back up again! 🙂 Have a great weekend!

    New follower via GFC
    My FF

  7. 3-4 books per week? that is awesome! I haven't had time for that since I'm so busy with school, but glad you can have the time for that!

    Followed via bloglovin 🙂

    Our FF

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