February 12, 2025

Feature and Follow #37 ~ Books I own in doubles!

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community. 
If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers. But you have to know, the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

Question of the Week:

Do you own any doubles of your books? What led to getting that second…or third or fourth…copy? – Suggested by A Great Read

I own doubles of all Agatha Christie books, the Sherlock Holmes series, Harry Potter series, Twilight series, several of the romances by Nora Roberts and books by Ruskin Bond, Premchand and RK Narayan. I have paperbacks of all these, Kindle ebooks and even hardcover for some of these fabulous books by my favourite authors. I just cannot resist buying these books even when I know that I have them at home. The new graphic covers for the Poirot series have struck my eye and I am itching to get my hands on them. 🙂

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17 thoughts on “Feature and Follow #37 ~ Books I own in doubles!

  1. I have doubles of some of my favorite series and other books on my Kindle, simply because it's easier to carry that around with me than it is to carry around four or five books when I'm not sure what I want to be reading at the moment. I also have duplicates of books due to being gifted them, cover changes (because I like my series to match), and forgetting that I had bought a copy already and re-purchased it. lol.

    Happy Reading and Hopping! 🙂
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  2. Have you seen the newish Harry Potter boxed collection? It's paperback but when the books are all together,mother spines show a pic of Hogwarts 😀 It's on my wish list. They are so pretty!

    New Follower on Bloglovin 🙂
    PS I saw your app pics on the COYER page. Very cool 🙂

  3. I have extra copies of some of the books that made a big impression on me. Partly because I don't wish to let my original copy go but I do want to share. And I have different printings of others I've loved.
    And if ever I wanted to mark up a book, write in the margins, highlight, etc. I would want a pristine copy for my shelves.

  4. Aww..I havent seen the new box set..Ooh will have to check it out. Thanks for following Lillian. 🙂
    The app is my latest venture to connect with more people. Thanks for liking it. 🙂

  5. Forgetting and buying again happened to me too on several occasions and new covers also attract me..I am a hopeless shopaholic when it comes to books. Leave me in a store and I will be happy to stay there like forever. 😀

  6. I've seen the Poirot books around the interent and they look really nice. Christie has never been my cup of tea, but can understand why she has such a massive following, especially abroad.

    Regular follower xx

    My FF

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