October 5, 2024

Feature and Follow #40 ~Do you read more than 1 book at a time?

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community. 
If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers. But you have to know, the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

Question of the Week: Do you read more than 1 book at a time, and if so, how, like a certain amount of pages per book before moving on to the next one in the queue? – Suggested by

Words I Write CrazyI generally read one book at a time so I just keep track of the quotes I have to share and things I have to mention in my review for that one book. 🙂

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20 thoughts on “Feature and Follow #40 ~Do you read more than 1 book at a time?

  1. I can usually keep track of the quotes that I might want to share easily with my Kindle, which is why I don't mind reading a couple of books at a time to keep up with my crazy reading schedule! 🙂

    Happy Reading and Hopping Through! 🙂
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  2. As for me, I can't just read one book at a time! I've very picky and also a mood reader so its hard to just read one book! Although, I'm trying to change that!

    New GFC and Bloglovin' follower! 😉

    Betsy @ I Sold My Soul For Books

  3. I can't read just one, apart from if I am so engrossed in a story I read it in the same day. But I usually always have an audio book going as well.
    Have a fantastic Friday, Nikita!

  4. I carry my mp3 player at work and listen to audio books all day, but at home I have hard copies and my tablet. So I always have at least 2 books going.

    I followed you on bloglovin' and TSU

  5. I only read one book at a time as well. Once i start a book I have a hard time being able to concentrate on any other book besides the one I already started. Thank you for sharing!

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