February 12, 2025

Feature and Follow Friday #1

It’s Friday , and this means it’s time for Follow Friday. This is my first Friday Feature and I am so excited to participate and meet new bloggers!
There are two Follow Friday hosts blogs and two Follow Friday Features Bloggers each week. To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:

  1. Follow both of the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts (Parajunkee and Alison Can Read) and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. Follow the two Featured Bloggers of the week – Rainy Dayz Reviewz and A Bibliotaph’s Reviews.
  3. Put your Blog name and URL in the Linky thing.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments.
  5. Follow, follow, follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “Hi”.
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the love . . . and the followers.
  7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
  8. If you’re new to the Follow Friday Hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!

And now for the Follow Friday Question: 
Are there any book to movie adaptations where you think the movie is better than the book?

Ans: I think a book cannot be exactly adapted to a movie or in a series. The true essence is affected somewhere along the way. The only movie adaptation that I think somewhat managed to keep it close to the real thing was The Lord of the Rings movies.

20 thoughts on “Feature and Follow Friday #1

  1. Welcome to Feature & Follow Friday! 🙂

    I agree that books cannot be equally adapted to movies. You have to watch the book through the screen writer and directors eyes and everyone has a different view of what things should be. That's why I prefer books, I get to have the perfect characters in my head and I see things the way I read them. So my version isn't yours and I rather like it that way. 😛

    Old Follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Here's my #FF!

    Melissa @Stalked! Reviews by Melissa

  2. I really considered answering LOTR for mine too. I think that the books are obviously awesome. But since Tolkien was a linguist they can be rambling and hard to read for some people. Also the movies were really faithful to the books, so I appreciate that.

    New GFC follower

    Kat @ Books Are Bread

  3. Welcome to Feature & Follow! I'm with you. You can never fit an entire book into a movie, there's not enough time for everything and then I'm sad about what's missing. Thanks for stopping by! Following you on Bloglovin'

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  4. Happy first Feature & Follow! 😀 I agree with you, too. I couldn't come up with an answer this week. I really tried. I think you're right about Lord of the Rings. Those movies are so visually stunning, and I don't think they left out a whole lot from the books, although I haven't read the books yet.

    New follower by GFC, Bloglovin', Twitter, and Facebook. 🙂

    My FF @ Donnie Darko Girl

  5. Hi, Nikita, thanks for the follow! I'm following back via Bloglovin'! A lot of people have said the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the question – unfortunately, I haven't read the books (they seem soooooooo looooooong!) so I can't compare.

  6. Nice choice:) I love the movies, but I never read the books. Maybe sometime in the future…
    Thanks for following me back, and I'm a new GFC follower:)

  7. I love the Lord of the Rings, although I have not read the book yet! I have them I just haven't gotten to them in my pile yet lol..
    I am a new GFC follower!!

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