October 5, 2024

Friday Feature and Follow #4

Feature & Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkiee’s View & Alison Can Read. Check out their blogs and the Featured Bloggers of the week! This is great for finding amazing new blogs to follow and for gaining followers yourself. 

This is my fourth FF and I really like this idea. It gives me a chance to meet and follow great bloggers. 🙂

This week’s Question:

What books are you looking forward to reading in 2014?

I don’t have a predefined list. I love to read books that catch my attention and this can happen anywhere and anytime. 🙂

But I do plan to read more books by Indian authors and also revisit some of my old reads which I have not reviewed on my blog yet.

Follow my blog with either or both the below methods and Happy FF! 🙂

You can also follow me on twitterFacebook etc. 🙂

8 thoughts on “Friday Feature and Follow #4

  1. I had a hard time coming up with the three that I put on my blog because I guess I am not as organized about what books come out this year as some are..lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Old follower. 🙂

    Have a great day,

  2. I think your reading plan for this year is a smart one! 😉

    Thanks for stopping by The Hiding Spot. New follower via Bloglovin.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and following me. I'm following back via GFC. I like that you do not have a list. I usually just read whatever I feel like at the time but there are several books this year that I am actually excited about!

  4. I think that's a good way to go. At least you don't get a bit frustrated at times, like I do, when my TBR list just keeps getting longer and longer and I wouldn't know where to even start. 🙂

    Thanks for following my blog and following you back via GFC 🙂

    Camille @ Girl meets Books

  5. I'm a librarian in RI so I always read the YA books nominated for the Rhode Island Teen Book Award. Makes my reading decisions easy and the books chosen are usually excellent!

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