July 3, 2024

Friday Feature and Follow #62

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community. 
If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers. But you have to know, the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

Question of the Week: Help us give our Feature Interview Questions a fresh look! What questions do you think we should ask our weekly features? – Suggested by

Alison Can Read

My questions would be:

Q1. What are the 3 blog success tips you would give other Book Bloggers?
Q2. If you could change something about your blog, what would it be?

What questions would you ask?

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Take a look around the blog and do leave your valuable comments. I love hearing from you. 🙂

Until later!

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