October 5, 2024

Friday Feature and Follow #71 ~3 Favorite Book Boyfriends, books they’re in, and why you’ll always love them.

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community. 
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Prompt of the Week: Favorite Book Boyfriends, books they’re in, and why you’ll always love them.

I have liked characters in books but never gone with claiming any as book boyfriends. I just don’t think that way. I loved Krivi from Kingdom Come by Aarti V. Raman. He was a brooding, hunk type but also a bitter one and had me wanting to soothe him. 

Then I loved Edward from Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. He was like a dream in my teenage years. 

Then recently I really liked Kaleb from Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh. Kaleb is more an anti-hero but still the perfect lover and willing to do anything for Sahara. He treats her as a cherished gift and had my heart soaring with his care and devotion to her.

I also loved Judd from Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh. A cold man devoid of all emotion, his only weakness is Brenna, a changeling wolf who thrives on emotion. His quiet love that he tries to hide and silent determination to protect her had me sighing all through the book.

There are so many male characters I have loved at one or the other time and if I go down to it, I can fill pages on pages with them which makes me happy to realize that I have been fortunate in reading some really talented authors and lovely books!

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Until later!

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