September 28, 2024

Friendship Friday #2- Anything Goes

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Friendship Friday hosted by Create With Joy is a week-long event where you can:
  • Share what’s unique about you and your blog!
  • Foster friendships with other bloggers!
  • Expand your social media networks!
  • Follow as many blogs as you can from the participating blogs
About Me & Njkinny’s World of Books:
I love books and so to satisfy my craving for discussion after a good read, I started Njkinny’s World of Books where I aim to read and review as many books as possible. Blogging gives me a medium to connect with like minded people and I hope to bridge the gap between authors and readers. Checkout my features, reviews, memes, tours etc. and contact me if you want to guest blog here, have a tour you want me to host, books for review, interviews and any and everything related to books! 🙂

Checkout the various reviews posted this week as well as the features and I hope you enjoy the blog enough to follow it! 🙂 🙂
Do drop by on Sunday to checkout and follow my Sunday Star Blogger Feature & Sneak Peak feature & hop where I feature a versatile Blogger as well as discuss our upcoming plans for our blogs.

Follow me via email, GFC, Bloglovin, FBTwitter,Linkedin etc. etc. Also don’t forget to leave your link in the comments so that I can follow you back! 🙂

If you host Blog Hops then you are welcome to enter your hop link on my Blog Hops page! 🙂

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