February 12, 2025

#AuthorInterview–> Vipin Behari Goyal -Author in the Spotlight

Hey Friends,
Today I am so excited to have with me the very talented author of Tall Man Small Shadow, Vipin Behari Goyal.
Vipin Behari Goyal is a Financial Advisor in Government of Rajasthan by profession.  His love for books is unparalleled making him an avid reader as well as a prolific writer.
His debut English novel “Tall man small shadow” based on existentialism was published in July 2013. His prior writings include a travel handbook on “TirthRaj Pushkar” and a collection of Hindi poems titled “Tej Dhoop Ka Safar”
He has also dabbled in documentary film making and is the maker of award-winning short film “Mines are Mine”
Follow him on his blog : http://vipinbeharigoyal.blogspot.in/
Welcome to Njkinny’s World of Books Vipin!
Lets get this interview started.
Q1. Tell us something about yourself?

I was born and brought up in Ajmer. I did my post graduation
in Botany because of my interest in trees and plants.  In my debut novel “Tall man small shadow” I
have described many of my favorite trees. After that I did graduation in Law
and few diploma and certificate courses in business management, computers ,
time management and behavioral skills. Like a true Geminian, I have curiosity
about a variety of interests.
I like to travel and
read and write the books.

Q2. So, what have you written?
My three books have been published. “Tirthraj Pushkar”-a
travelogue about Pushkar,”Tej Duph Ka Safar”-a Hindi poetry collection and an
English fiction-“Tall man small shadow”. My forthcoming novel is “Maya, In
search of Tantric father”
I have authored more than a dozen pages on Wikipedia, my
current blog “Author’s Diction” is about English Literature.

Q3. Where can we buy or see them?

They are available at various online shops like flipkart,
amazon and pothi.com. If lucky you may get it in free giveaway  at Goodreads and free kindle download, from
time to time.

Q4. Give us an insight into your main character. What does
he/she do that is so special?

The main character is Salil, who had a break up when he was a
student in an Engineering college. How he copes up with his failure in love,
is the highlight of the story.
Q5. What are you currently working on?

Currently, I am writing a fiction based on youth of rural
Q6. What’s it about?

It is about the social structure of villages and aspirations
of youth.
Q7. What genre are your books?
Currently I am enjoying writing fiction, but I am mentally
prepared for another genre also. I started with a travelogue.
Q8. What draws you to this genre?

Freedom. Fiction provides a lot of freedom of imagination
and expression.
Q9. What inspired you to become a writer?

People around me and my father inspired me a lot to become a
Q10. Had you not become a writer which career would you have
chosen and why?

I am basically a public servant and I like this profession.

Q11. What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I want to write at least one book that could be a landmark
in the history of fiction.
Q12. Which writers inspire you?

I am inspired by all good writers in East and West, and many
regional language authors.

Q13. Why do you write?

To fill up my emptiness.
Q14. What made you decide to sit down and actually start

Stream of consciousness compels me to write.
Q15. Do you write full-time or part-time?

I write after office hours and on weekends.
Q16. Do you have a special time to write or how is your day

I prefer to write at night, being a public servant my day is
almost structured.
Q17. Where do your ideas come from?

Social injustice shakes my mind and series of ideas  are generated.
Q18. Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just
to see where an idea takes you?

Both, I like to make an outline, but allow my thoughts to go
in all directions and take their own shape.
Q19. How do you think you’ve evolved, creatively?

Seamless evolution through formal and informal education.
Q20. What is the hardest thing about writing and what is the
easiest thing about it?

The hardest is consistency and easiest is an abstraction.
Q21. Do you ever get writer’s Block?

Yes, I do.
Q22. Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s

Something would happen to put you back on track.
Q23. How do you market your books and why did you choose
this route?

I depend on my Publisher, which is the traditional way of
Q24. Do you have any advice for other authors on how to
market their books?

They can use many modern techniques of the internet.
Q25. What do you do to get book reviews? Do you have a
strategy for finding reviewers?

I am not choosy about it. I need all types of reviews. It
helps you to grow as an author.
Q26.What’s your views on social media for marketing? Which
social network worked best for you and any tips on what to do and what not to

I do not have much experience to comment on it.
Q27. What are the four most important things that you take
care of before writing a book?

Theme, style, climax and characterization.

Q28. What do you do when you are not writing?

I read.
Q29. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Read a lot, write a lot.
Q30. How can readers discover more about you and your work?

Just Google me.
Q31. What are your future plans?

Travelling, Reading and writing.
Q32. And now, before you go, how about a snippet from your
book that is meant to intrigue and tantalize us:

Think about this:

“It is good to pray even if you do not believe
in God.”

Wow..That sure is a statement to think about !!

Thanks Vipin for sparing time from your busy schedule and sharing your story with us…
All the best in your future endeavors.. 🙂

Buy Vipin’s book “Tall Man Small Shadow” from :

Read my review of “Tall Man Small Shadow”

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