September 28, 2024

Hot Deals and New Releases ~ Valentine’s Day Special Part 6

Thursday is the #FBQ day but since we are already running a V-Day deals post on some of the must-read romances, I am merging the FBQ post with this one. Checkout today’s list of the romance I loved and recommend and grab them on discounted prices. Enjoy! 🙂
Hot Deals and New Releases

This is a fun filled romance from a man’s perspective.
Amazon US {$1.67} | Amazon IN {Paperback: Rs. 116, Reg. Rs. 299} | Flipkart {Paperback: Rs. 116, Reg. Rs. 299}
Read my Review: Click Here

A lovely, heartfelt romance that I loved. Strongly recommended.
Amazon US | Amazon IN | Flipkart
Also free on Kobo, iTunes, Nook, Google Play.
Read my Review: Click Here

I loved this glam romance and recommend it!
Amazon US {99c}| Amazon IN {Rs. 60}
Read my Review: Click Here

This one looked so enticing that I grabbed it and would be starting on it soon.
Amazon US {99c} | Amazon IN {Rs. 60}

This one I just loved. Review to follow soon.
Amazon US | Amazon IN

This was a funny, entertaining and heartwarming romantic short story and a must read.
Amazon US {99c} | Amazon IN {Rs. 60}
Read my Review: Click Here


Another gem from Nicholas Sparks and a must read.
Amazon US | Amazon IN {Paperback: Rs. 209, Reg. Rs. 350}| Flipkart {Paperback: Rs. 282, Reg. Rs. 350}
Read my Review: Click Here

A lovely lovely from Jackie Weger and recommended to everyone!
Amazon US {99c} | Amazon IN {Rs. 60}
Read my Review: Click Here

A sassy and entertaining Debut romance that I enjoyed. Recommended.
Amazon US | Amazon IN {Paperback: Rs. 138, Reg. Rs. 250}| Flipkart {Paperback: Rs. 173, Reg. Rs. 250}
Read my Review: Click Here

If you know of a Valentine perfect romance book that is either currently free or on sale then share the book with me and I will include it in my posts. 🙂

I will be sharing hot deals all this week so come back often to check and grab these limited offer deals and enjoy! 🙂

Hot Deals and New Releases ~ Valentine’s Day Special Part 1 : Click Here
Hot Deals and New Releases ~ Valentine’s Day Special Part 2:  Click Here
Hot Deals and New Releases ~ Valentine’s Day Special Part 3: Click Here
Hot Deals and New Releases ~ Valentine’s Day Special Part 4: Click Here
Hot Deals and New Releases ~ Valentine’s Day Special Part 5: Click Here

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