September 28, 2024

Release Blitz–> He + She by Michelle Warren

Title and Author: He + She
by Michelle Warren
Print Length: 216 Pages
Publication Date: June, 2014
Language: English
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Mystery & Suspense


HE is trying to piece together his broken

SHE is running away from her wedding day.

TOGETHER, their world is a beautiful lie.

APART, their world is a perfect mess.

He + She is a free-spirited romance about soul-awakening
second chances, heartbreak, and hopeful beginnings.


Watch the Fan made book trailer on YOU TUBE:

About the Author:
Michelle Warren didn’t travel the road to
writer immediately. She spent over a decade as professional Illustrator and
designer. Her artistic creativity combined with her love of science fiction,
paranormal and fantasy led her to write her first YA novel, Wander Dust.
Michelle loves reading and traveling to places that inspire her to create. She
resides in downtown Chicago.

Buying Links: Paperback | Kindle Ebook Paperback | Kindle Ebook
Barnes&Noble: Paperback
Smashwords: Ebook


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