October 5, 2024

Skyscanner and I on a trip around the world ~ Lovely London on my mind!

“I want to make memories all over the world.” I had said to my parents once. A bookaholic, I was fascinated by all the places I had read about and often imagined what it would be like to visit these places some day! As I grew older, my list also grew and among that ever increasing list some places took precedence over the others, in terms of the order of visit. 

I wish to go to all the places that I have read about, revisit their history, feel the thrill of learning something new and make lots of good memories. Among all the places that are on my bucket list, London is the place I want to start with.

It is the city with a historical significance and a city that holds a major place on the world map in the present scenario as well. It is the city where my favorite Detective character, Sherlock Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street, where Harry Potter lived and it is the place which bore witness to the rise of the British rule with subsequent conquest of almost half the world under the banner of the East India Company. A city that is a mixture of great architecture, a strong financial capital, an education hub, a witness to some great eras like the Victorian and the Regency era with some very memorable fashion trends and society trends and a city that is rich in history, London has always attracted me towards it. 

So when I got a chance to write about this dream of mine and plan a trip to this magnificent city, I was overjoyed.

While it is easy to dream of visiting a place, it is a complete nightmare to plan a trip. There are just so many things to consider like fixing a budget, booking flights and hotels, arranging local transportation and deciding the itinerary! Add to this my wish of finding the most economic deal, the complete planning phase is a headache. But wait! Skyscanner can help here. The most difficult part of visiting dozens of websites to find the most cost effective deal is easily handled through Skyscanner. We just have to add the dates of travel and the destination and it will give the most cost effective flights, hotels and car/bus bookings available! Easy, isn’t it?

So I was more than happy to take the help of Skyscanner to plan my trip to this alluring city. 

Problem 1: Getting the most economic flights booked.


I entered the dates of travel, “From” and “To” locations, type of bookings either “return” or “one-way”, my preference of flights either direct flight or with stops and the number of people travelling.
With baited breath, I pressed “Search”. I wasn’t sure of Skyscanner’s claim of comparing 1000 different airlines and travel agents to get the best fares. 

So when I got over 200 options of flights, I was left speechless!
After checking 22 providers, I was given a very confidence inspiring list of 203 results. With the best price shown too. 🙂

A lot of my time was saved which I would have otherwise spent on browsing a multitude of websites trying to get the best price! I selected Jet Airways as my travel airline since I had had a good experience with them on a previous journey.

After deducting 62, 531 from 100000, I had 37469 Rupees to plan the remaining trip.

100000-62531= 37469 Rupees

Problem 2: Getting a comfortable, strategically placed and yet economic hotel.

I clicked on the hotels tab on the Skyscanner site and entered the destination, dates of stay, number of guests and number of rooms required and pressed “Search”. By now I was feeling a new confidence in Skyscanner because of the quick and efficient way in which it had got me the best deal on airfare.
After clicking “Search”, I got 1184 hotel options which I could further filter according to my requirements. It was so cool! 🙂
After the first filter of the number of stars, I got 132 options.
I further filtered this by minimizing the money I could spare and was surprised to get 77 hotel options.
From these 77, I selected the Clapham Guest House which had a great rating of 8.4 and a decent price of 13, 468 for 3 nights stay.

Now, I had

100000-62, 531-13, 468= Rs. 24001

Problem 3: Arranging a comfortable but economic travel mode which gives me a chance to enjoy the surroundings.


I had two options. Either I could hire a car or travel by a bus. Since I love driving and also love the freedom it gives me to stop anywhere and go anywhere I like, so I chose to hire a car.

I entered the Pick-up place, Pick-up and drop-off dates and time as well as my age. 
Then I clicked “Search” and Voila! There were so many options to choose! 🙂
I chose the cute mini class car, Chevrolet Spark at Rs. 3294.21 and was pretty satisfied.

Now, I had 24001- 3294.21= Rs. 20706.79 left.

I know I sound like a cat who has just feasted but that is how I feel! After conquering flight tickets, hotel bookings and local transportation problem, I am left with a satisfying sum of 20,706 rupees!

So, after this awesome experience with Skyscanner who is a wizard, by the way, I will now disclose my list of places to visit.

Places I would visit and why:

Day 1:
Big Ben
  • -One of London’s best-known landmarks
  • -Part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site

House of Parliament
  • -One of London’s most impressive building
  • -Part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Westminster Bridge
  • -Excellent spot for taking photos of Big Ben and Houses of Parliament

 Westminster Abbey

  • -One of the finest examples of medieval architecture in Europe
  • -Main coronation and burial place for royals
  • -Impressive building, full of history

Nr. 10 Downing Street

  • -Official home and office of Britain’s Prime Minister

  • Buckingham Palace
  • -One of London’s best recognized landmarks
  • Home to the present Queen

 St. James Park

  • -Lovely park with a duck and pelican pond
  • -Nice view of London’s landmarks
Cabinet War Rooms Museum
  • -Unique historical place
  • -A retrospection into the past
  • -The bunker is left as it was abandoned in 1945

  • The British Museum
  • -Oldest museum in the world
  • -One of the world’s best known museums
  • -Fascinating collection of treasures and artifacts from all over the world
  • -One of the world’s most famous department stores
  • -Unique (shopping) experience

Day 2:
Trafalgar Square
  • -One of the most famous squares in the world
  • -Great place for people watching
  • -Has a maze too! 🙂

Sherlock Holmes Pub
-It has good “pub grub” and an upstairs room decorated in accordance with Arthur Conan Doyle’s descriptions of  Holmes’s rooms at 221b Baker Street, down to the Persian slipper stuffed with Tobacco.

Piccadilly Circus
  • -One of London’s best known landmarks
  • -Renowned for its neon advertising displays

Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens
  • -Lush green oasis in the center of the city with relaxing atmosphere

London Eye
  • -Quickly became a London icon
  • -Fascinating views over the whole of London
  • -Unforgetable experience
St. Paul’s Cathedral
  • -World-famous dome
  • -Master piece of famous architect, Sir Christopher Wren

Day 3:
Tower of London
  • -World Heritage Site
  • -One of the Britain’s most popular tourist attractions
  • -Unique historical site

Tower Bridge

  • -One of the most recognized bridges in the world
  • -An iconic symbol of London

Regent’s Park

  • -Lovely gardens with pretty lakes and beautiful flower gardens
  • -Calm and relaxing atmosphere
  • -Superbly maintained park

221B Baker Street

-Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective resided at 221b Baker Street. 
– Will buy some souvenirs for my friends and family who are all Sherlock Holmes fans. 🙂

Madame Tussaud’s

  • -One of London’s most popular attractions
  • -Your chance to have a photo with your favorite star
  • -This is where you can see everyone from Brad Pitt to the Queen

Thanks to Skyscanner, my worries of planning an economic trip was solved and I could plan a trip that is pocket friendly but doesn’t compromise on the experience and joy of visiting a new place and making memories.

Go explore Skyscanner and plan a dream trip to your dream land!
When the wizard is here then why fear! 🙂

Now that I have London on my mind and a trip planned, I will go and pack my bags while you read this post. London! I am coming! 🙂
PS: This post is a part of Skyscanner travel wizard activity at BlogAdda.com

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