October 5, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #5 ~ My First in 2015!

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It’s all about sharing books you’ve added to your shelves be it physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in a physical store, or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books got from author or publishers, gifts, and of course eBooks.

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! This is the first Stacking the Shelves post for 2015 and I am so excited to share my latest bookish acquisitions and start on these books. 🙂

 Stacking the Shelves #5 ~ Books added to my TBR

This year I plan to get more organized with my reading and keep an excel sheet to keep track of all books I am receiving ad the dates I commit to review them by. Also I plan on reading new authors and exploring new genres while also visiting new blogs to gain more exposure and maybe form some new friendships!

I received some very lovely books this Christmas and on New Year from friends and family and I am so eager to start on them. My Secret Santa got me The first book in the Changeling series by Nalini Singh, Tell a Thousand Lies by Rasana Atreya and Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh. My husband bought me The Many Lives of Ruby Iyer by Laxmi Hariharan and my family bought me a new phone with an additional offer of over a 1000 ebooks pre-loaded in it!

I had an awesome holiday season which is still continuing and I hope you enjoyed some quality time with your family too. Happy 2015 and a have a great year! 🙂

~Books Gifted to me~

~Books I bought~

~Books I received~


What are the new additions to your TBR?
Share with me your latest acquisitions in the comments. 🙂 

While you are here…Also checkout the #Tour open for #SignUp: Falling For Emma by Alix Nichols
and participate to review the book plus host the Release Blitz!


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8 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #5 ~ My First in 2015!

  1. Very nice haul, Nikita!! I hope you'll enjoy all your new additions 🙂

    And an excel sheet sounds very organized 🙂 I use shelves on my GR account to note when I receive books, and if they're review books, I also add to a shelf for the publish date.

    Of course, my kindle has all kinds of different collections, too, just so I know which books can go with what challenge 🙂

    Have a fantastic week!

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