October 5, 2024

#BlogHop and #BloggerFeature–> Sunday Star Blogger Feature & Sneak Peak #1

Hi Friends,

Welcome to Njkinny’s World of Books and to the Sunday Feature! 🙂
If this is your first time to my blog then welcome and I hope you like and enjoy here.

“Sunday Star Blogger Feature & Sneak Peak” is a weekly feature where I’ll feature a star blogger with an awesome blog who I will choose from the bloggers who participate in this feature, from amongst the comments I receive. Apart from this I and all the bloggers who participate are required to share their upcoming week’s schedule for their blog like upcoming reviews, features, interviews, giveaways etc. If you are not sure of your schedule then no problem, share your tentative plans. 🙂

Lastly, don’t forget to go say “Hi” to all the lovely people who have participated and visited your blog. The purpose of this feature is to get to know new blogs, gain followers and follow as many as possible.

Njkinny's World of Books

Njkinny's World of Books

Follow these simple rules to have fun and gain followers. 🙂

  1. (Required) Follow the Host (Njkinny’s World of Books) and the Featured Blogger.
  2. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
  3. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
  4. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
  5. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love…and the followers.

Every week I will select one star blogger from the blogs that comment on this feature and feature their blog here.

Star Blogger This Week

Welcome to Njkinny’s World of Books, Feli!

The Four Eyed Cat Reviews

Q1. Tell us something about yourself.

My name is Felicitia Azalia
Deru, but most people call me Feli because my name is too long. I was born on 5
August 1996 and lived in Indonesia for almost 18 years now, never moving
anywhere. (I’d love to if I had a chance, not that I hate Indonesia or
something) I’m a Christian and my hobby? Reading of course. And drawing. And

Q2. When did you first get the idea to blog? When did you
start this blog?

The idea had always been in my
mind since 2010 but I didn’t have any strong reason to start it yet (I’m lazy),
then on August 2013, I finally made The Four Eyed Cat Reviews because I am hungry for arcs. Lol. Then everything
got exciting and I just can’t stop blogging.

Q3. How did you come up with this name for your blog?

It used to be FLD Reads, FLD as
in Felide (my name, Feli Deru) but I thought it was boring so I changed it. Unfortunately,
the term ‘The Four Eyed Cat’ wasn’t something that just pops into my head. It
all started when I was editing my own picture. I used this application called
‘Catwang’. I was meaning to change my head for a cat’s head, but apparently, My
head are to long for a cat’s, and the only one that fits my head is this cat’s
head with four eyes. Then, several months later, I decided to make my own book
blog and I had no idea what to name it. And I saw my own picture and thought
“hey, The Four Eyed Cat Reviews sounds awesome” and walla!

Q4. What is your blog about?

Books! Reviews and everything
else. Mostly it’s about Dystopian and paranormal romance books. Oh, there’s
some of my artworks somewhere between my posts too.

Q5. What’s the best thing that has happened to you because
of blogging?

Interviewing authors that you
admired!! And getting to know lots of nice book bloggers!

Q6. I specially loved your thumbnails. How did you come up
with this idea of making thumbnails? What kind of steps do you take to make

(Super happy that you loved it!)
So I was cropping this blog tour banner to fit inside my slider (the love of my
life) but when I crop it, it turns out really
so then I thought “Hey, why not make a new one that fits?” so there you
go. I got addicted in making thumbnails after that.
There are no steps that I
follow, the only thing that I follow is my instinct. I just make it the way I
love it. 

Checkout more of Feli’s Thumbnails here–> http://thefoureyedcat.blogspot.in/p/slider-thumbnails.html

Q7. What are your future plans for your blog?

I hope it got more famous (of
course) but other than that, I don’t know. I blog and write reviews for fun!
A quick top 5 with Feli:

Favorite past time?
When I was a child and I went to Disney Land, Paris. Didn’t remember much but it’s still the best.

Favorite tourist
I rarely went out of Indonesia,
but I would really love to go to Greece.

Favorite Book?
Into the Still Blue BY VERONICA ROSSI

Love at first sight or
love after a long courtship?
Love after a long

Tea or coffee? 

Sneak Peak into the Upcoming Week
Upcoming Reviews on Njkinny’s World of Books:
So what are your plans for the next week?

Do let me know and follow me via email, GFC, Bloglovin, FBTwitter,Linkedin etc. etc. Also don’t forget to leave your link in the comments so that I can follow you back! 🙂

Happy Sunday! 🙂

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