October 5, 2024

#TATASkyTransfer: Record, Transfer and Watch TV Shows on the Go with Tata Sky+ Transfer!

I love watching TV! Shows like “Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai!” make my otherwise monotonous routine and sometimes dull day brighter with spontaneous laughter and fun but watching TV is not possible with my hectic schedule. What with long hours spent travelling to office and then the fight to watch our favourite shows on TV running in the same time slot, I am often unable to watch my favourites on TV.
Then the uncertain power cuts in my city add another layer of difficulty in my quest of seeking entertainment on the idiot box.

So I am forced to rely on the Internet to watch stuff online. However, this again proves cumbersome with sketchy Internet browsing speeds and the videos take so long to load that it seems better to go without watching anything! {sigh}

But all these woes of mine are solved by Tata Sky with their new Tata Sky+ Transfer set top box!


Tata Sky+ Transfer provides me the facility to Record my favourite TV shows, Transfer them to my mobile or tablet and Carry them anywhere with me! Isn’t this just great!

Let me tell you how this set top box is different than our previous Tata Sky set top box.

a) Tata Sky+ Transfer has the unique feature that allows us to record any show on TV. Now this record feature is made even more awesome because it allows me to record a show even while my family watches another show on TV. So, now I don’t have to interrupt my mom when she watches her Saas-Bahu sagas or my father when he is engrossed in watching the news or the sports channel. I can simply record the episodes of “Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain” and watch it later.

b) I don’t have to be physically present to record a show. I can be anywhere and even then record anything being aired on TV by remotely giving a command to the set top box from my mobile to record my favourite shows. I can then watch my favourite recorded show later. No more losing watching anything on TV due to my schedule!

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c) I also have the cool facility of watching the recorded show on my mobile. I can transfer the recorded show on my mobile using an Internet connection and watch it anytime and anywhere! Now, with Tata Sky+ Transfer, I am happy to bid adieu to those long and boring hours of commute to office and back because now I am always carrying my entertainment with me in the form of the laughter filled episodes of “Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain”!

d) The Internet recording can be used via mytatasky.com or Tata Sky mobile app.

e) Once the shows have been recorded, I can watch them without needing an active Internet connection. Cool, isn’t it!

f) Ever faced the issue when you are free and want to watch your recorded series but your mom is watching her favourite show and who can dare switch the channel then! So, with Tata Sky+ Transfer I can watch the recorded series even when someone is watching something else on TV by streaming the recorded shows and watching them on my mobile. No need to wait for the content to transfer!

g) Tata Sky has proved itself invaluable to customers by providing excellent customer service in the form of instant customer support, attentive problem solving and a patient ear lent to our feedback on their services; great discounts on recharge, amazing subscription offers, value added services and overall, have proven to be a company that rank high in customer satisfaction and popularity.

All in all, Tata Sky+ Transfer has come as a Godsend and has made my life so much easier and happier! Now, I can be seen chuckling and laughing while I watch “Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain” on my mobile.


I am still exploring the awesome features of Tata Sky+ Transfer but I just had to share my initial thoughts on it with you.

Go give Tata Sky+ Transfer a try and see for yourself why I am all praise about it.

Have you used Tata Sky+ Transfer? Do share your thoughts with me. I love hearing from you.

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