October 5, 2024

Top things that have made me really Happy after returning from my vacation in Mauritius!

Vacation!!!…Ah, this word alone brings an instant smile to our faces but the opposite happens when it ends…I, too, have just returned from a very relaxing and amazing vacation in Mauritius.

Turquoise Blue sea with pristine white sands, I spent hours on end on the beach lying with a Pina Colada in my hand. Apart from this, I also had many other adventures both under and above the Sea! All this and more about my vacation to come in the form of posts soon on the blog but meanwhile, today, I have to share with you some very awesome things that have really made my unhappiness at leaving Mauritius go away.

1) Being a Blogger, I, too, love seeing my posts getting hits and people engaged in my writing. Reading your comments makes my day. But for this, I work hard and cross share my posts on a variety of platforms so more and more readers like your amazing self who are reading my ramblings now, come to read my ramblings too! LOL

So when I left for my holiday, I was worried of getting little to no views on the posts and getting comments seemed like a far away dream because who would come when I didn’t share my posts on social media? I had faith on you who are my loyal followers but getting the attention of new readers was difficult. I had scheduled some reviews of really cool books for the holiday duration but had little hope and then you can imagine my surprise when I saw my blog this morning. Not only had my posts got hits and the reader counter remained steady and then increased some, I had also got comments on the posts!!!!


This brought a big smile on my face and it’s all because of YOU! You are the BOSS and getting appreciation from you is definitely a reason to be happy. Thank you for your support and love towards me and my small blog. 🙂

2) My attempts in the garden are bearing fruit and my babies have flowers blooming! My eyes met the lovely sight of colourful flowers on my hand planted plants and it was a divine feeling!

3) I was surprised to see two mysterious packages in my room which upon opening, I  could see contained two very lovely books!! Also while sorting my e-mail, I came across more books from some of my favourite authors. I love you guys! 

The lovely books I got in physical or digital formats! So excited to read them.

Thank you for having so much faith in my reviews! 🙂

4) Monica at Newbery And Beyond has featured me on her Blog! Yay! I feel like a celebrity and what a lovely presentation, she has given! Loved each second spent in answering her very interesting and soul searching questions. 
Do go and read my Interview here and share your comments. 🙂

 #BloggerInterview: Nikita aka Njkinny from Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

Thanks to Monica from Newbery And Beyond for featuring me on her very lovely Blog! 🙂

5) I was pleasantly surprised to see that popular Romance Writer, Nalini Singh has quoted my Review of her latest Bestselling Release, Rock Redemption (Rock Kiss Series, Book 3) on Amazon in the Editorial Review section. How Cool! I am feeling so very proud to see my review out there and happy that my reviews help the authors. 🙂

 #ARCBookReview: Rock Redemption by Nalini Singh

Read my Review of Rock Redemption by Nalini Singh here.

My Review of Rock Courtship by Nalini Singh which is the novella in this Rock Kiss Series is also quoted

 #ARCBookReview: Rock Courtship by Nalini Singh

Read my Review of Rock Courtship by Nalini Singh here

Thanks Nalini. You have made my day! 🙂

6) Last but definitely not the least, I am loving all the pampering and extra care I am getting at home! 🙂


I am so thankful to all of you and to God for giving me so many reasons to be happy! 🙂


I am so happy to be back and these extra reasons have definitely made my come back more sweet!

How was your day? What all things made you happy today? Do share your thoughts with me. I love hearing from you. 🙂

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